Why do homeowners not want to take care of the ice?

I would like to think if someone saw you drop a bag of food they would lend a hand rather then write a ticket.

Anyway, ordering dry groceries online is pretty convenient. Some places even offer free shipping with a certain $ spent. If you keep a storage like say a months worth and keep it refilled as you use it you won't have to worry about trying to carry more home then you are comfortable with.

That's really true. Amazon brings many groceries right to our door. If I wanted to tailor my diet to it, I could live healthily just with Amazon delivery.
Don't care?

Too lazy?

Too old or ill to do the work?

Can't afford to hire someone to do the work?

How about adding 'Too stupid' to your list.

As people know I been putting sands on the steps to keep water from freezing but there an idiot in my building that keep removing the sand from the steps. No one else put anything on the steps. I told the guy that lives across the hall from me that our driveway has a huge buckle and a plow could rip the driveway up. My neighbor said " Someone should call them know about it" :roll: He did not say "he would call ". I told him I already called. If a plow does mess up the driveway we'll have to pay more $$$ to fix it. The manger is not going to fix the driveway he is leaving the way it's and someone trip on the crack at night. This is just plain stupidity to me.
Laws here are, youre supposed to clear the walk, even if its just a 12" swath to walk on... But people dont because its not enforcable.. BUT there is a catch...
If you slip and fall in front of a property thats not cleared, you can sue the homeowner/landlord....
A lot of people leave the snow because you at least get traction on the snow and not on the ice under it... so if there is ice and its too cold for salt to melt it, then it is useless to even try to clear it... there is alot of factors to consider as well as members have mentioned above ( sick, ill, lazy, tired...ect..)
My new place doesnt have that issue, no walkways anywhere around me, until I start doing landscaping then I may have a small path to garden or other areas? but that is not public access.
Funny you mention that-- I was actually considering doing that today, if I can figure out how to get the food home without making a littering mess. I do not need a $500 fine for any reason.
I thought you had a shopping cart that you used? Doesn't that safely hold at least a couple large sacks of groceries? I think my mom's used to hold about four large brown paper bags, enough for a family of three for a week.
I don't know why residents would clear their sidewalks only under threat of the law. It would seem common sense and consideration to want to keep the area clean and safe.

We rarely have snow or ice but I keep my sidewalk swept of acorns, leaves, and twigs. Those acorns can be like ball bearings to walk on.

Of course, I understand about those people who physically can't do the work.
Yeah, that's why we cleared out Mae's and her husband's area. There's a law here that says the area around the mailbox has to be cleared of snow and ice. I forgot about the acorns because we have elms in front and oak in the back in the woods. Yeah, they are hard and a mess.

* * * * *
Dang it all, it's a different situation and that's why I mentioned our elderly neighbors whose driveway three or four of us clear out during the bad winter. I also mention (Reba did, too) those who are physically unable to do a thing. It's called logic and R E S P E C T.

In terms of suing, if I'm on your sidewalk and it isn't clear of ice because you didn't do it (I'm not talking about people like Mae and her husband who has COPD - that was up to us to tend to) and I fall and break a leg because I had to take something to your house - a package or whatever, if I personally slip and nothing happens to me, I'm not going to sue. Big deal about being bruised.

Clearing pathways for access to your mailbox and house is just common courtesy. You'll notice where I draw the line - the elderly and I have taken the responsibility out of their hands. Next door neighbor had knee surgery. So, each day I just took her dog and Marcus for a walk. I took up her mail and moved her garbage cans around. It's what people should do naturally.
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Oh, please. A couple weeks ago I took a painful spill on a stretch of sidewalk in front of a house with elderly occcupants. Did I sue them? Nope. I told them what happened and offered to fix the problem, and they were very grateful I did.

I would've done the exact same thing. I'm not interested in suing anyone for a minor injury. A major one, however, is a different story. That knee of mine is a risk-taker every time I walk on ice (not that I want to). However, I have other options I can take without taking the unnecessary risk of blowing out my knee or hurting my back. I'll be all right. Just got to keep an eye out for danger zones and avoid them.
I thought you had a shopping cart that you used? Doesn't that safely hold at least a couple large sacks of groceries? I think my mom's used to hold about four large brown paper bags, enough for a family of three for a week.

Yes, I do. It's not the cart I'm worried about; it's the traction of slick sidewalks with the weight of 50 pounds of food that worries me. This is why I usually shop close by, but now I may be forced to go a little further.
Laws here are, youre supposed to clear the walk, even if its just a 12" swath to walk on... But people dont because its not enforcable.. BUT there is a catch...
If you slip and fall in front of a property thats not cleared, you can sue the homeowner/landlord....
A lot of people leave the snow because you at least get traction on the snow and not on the ice under it... so if there is ice and its too cold for salt to melt it, then it is useless to even try to clear it... there is alot of factors to consider as well as members have mentioned above ( sick, ill, lazy, tired...ect..)
My new place doesnt have that issue, no walkways anywhere around me, until I start doing landscaping then I may have a small path to garden or other areas? but that is not public access.

That is why I leave the sand down , it does help a little to keep the ice from building up as fast. When it does snow on top of ice I will walk the snow for traction. I use a can and that has an ice pick on it and this helps me to
keep my balance. I hate ICE!! One winter everyone in my condo got a $15 ticket for not cleaning off the sidewalk. I called our old manger and I was told to send the ticket to them .
I am surprises the city did not drive around this winter too as our new manger did not have a the snow removed from the public sidewalks. There was only a dusting on snow so maybe the city gave people a break that time .
Who really knows?....Maybe they are "California Dreaming"...or waiting for the next flight out to Florida....Could be too....they are sitting at the window watching to see who the next guy is gonna slip and fall...and :laugh2:...their arses off while high on Pot....
Who really knows?....Maybe they are "California Dreaming"...or waiting for the next flight out to Florida....Could be too....they are sitting at the window watching to see who the next guy is gonna slip and fall...and :laugh2:...their arses off while high on Pot....
Or maybe they enjoy seeing people slip and fall so they can put it on youtube.
Who really knows?....Maybe they are "California Dreaming"...or waiting for the next flight out to Florida....Could be too....they are sitting at the window watching to see who the next guy is gonna slip and fall...and :laugh2:...their arses off while high on Pot....

U know..u may just have the best theory to the OP's question. :smoking:
Funny you mention that-- I was actually considering doing that today, if I can figure out how to get the food home without making a littering mess. I do not need a $500 fine for any reason.

Get canvas grocery bags. People all over Europe, my daughter now included, don't have cars. They rely heavily on public transportation. In Ireland in rains ALL the time and my daughter goes grocery shopping by bus. If she can carry a few bags of groceries, I think you can too.

Top Roman is light, get bagged veggies instead of cans, boxed Mac&Cheese if your on a tight budget all of these will work.

Use a back pack for heavier items. You absolutely should be able to do a weeks worth of shopping in one trip. Have to be creative.
Get canvas grocery bags. People all over Europe, my daughter now included, don't have cars. They rely heavily on public transportation. In Ireland in rains ALL the time and my daughter goes grocery shopping by bus. If she can carry a few bags of groceries, I think you can too.

Top Roman is light, get bagged veggies instead of cans, boxed Mac&Cheese if your on a tight budget all of these will work.

Use a back pack for heavier items. You absolutely should be able to do a weeks worth of shopping in one trip. Have to be creative.

I'm actually going for 10 days of shopping, at the very least. I need to add more meat to my diet, and more breakfast options, too.
Unbelieveable. Just as I opened the door what do I see but several inches of snow on the sidewalks from last night, and it's still snowing now. I have a battle ahead of me, that much is certain. :(
You live in Chicago. That is to be expected. Don't like it? Move south. That's exactly what I did.
All right, here's the deal. I live in an area surrounded by schools, as some of you know, and because of that, the sidewalks are supposed to be clear of ice, and one side of the area is, but not the other side, which is slick as #$!%, and presents a danger to kids and their parents, as well as senior citizens who may be walking on that side.

Now my question is, why do property managers or homeowners not want to deal with the ice? City law mandates that sidewalks be clear of snow and ice, and yet, there's still some dangerous ice there, and right next to an iron fence and a chain link fence, no less.

maybe something with taxes that isnt enough to pay for someone to clearup the sidewalk??
I just got into an argument with my neighbor that keep removing the sand from the steps. We had heavy wet snow tonight and I was going to put some sand down and the guy said we did not needs it at was going to in the 40 tonight , I told the guy the weather is not always right . One weather reporter said we would NOT get rain a few days ago and we did get rain. I told the guy if someone fall we could have lawsuit and that is he not an owner so he has nothing to worry about. The guy told the " we can't talk about it" would take care of it. The guy almost fall a few second ago on the driveway if a car was not parked there he would of had nothing to regain his balance . They guy said "he is always right!" He was talking about himself always being right. :roll: I rather wrong about putting the sand than being sued is someone did fall. I just heard the weather report and it's going to be 28 degrees tonight not 40 degrees . It could be 40 degree in the morning but the newspaper man come here very early and he run down the steps . I am going to put more sand tonight .
I just got into an argument with my neighbor that keep removing the sand from the steps. We had heavy wet snow tonight and I was going to put some sand down and the guy said we did not needs it at was going to in the 40 tonight , I told the guy the weather is not always right . One weather reporter said we would NOT get rain a few days ago and we did get rain. I told the guy if someone fall we could have lawsuit and that is he not an owner so he has nothing to worry about. The guy told the " we can't talk about it" would take care of it. The guy almost fall a few second ago on the driveway if a car was not parked there he would of had nothing to regain his balance . They guy said "he is always right!" He was talking about himself always being right. :roll: I rather wrong about putting the sand than being sued is someone did fall. I just heard the weather report and it's going to be 28 degrees tonight not 40 degrees . It could be 40 degree in the morning but the newspaper man come here very early and he run down the steps . I am going to put more sand tonight .

[This Guy is asking for a major lawsuit if he keeps this up, and I have a hunch it won't be the only one. He needs to learn some respect to the elders, and respect what they want.