SS checks may stop after Oct 17.

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Each person is gifted in different ways, and none should be valued above others.
Exactly, because if we were all the same there would only be 1
I or you or anyone else can do something that the other cant and vice versa...
If you don't know how they fatten their pockets, you shouldn't even go there then.

I'm not interested in conspiracy theories.... only facts.

so... how?
yeah possible that he missed that Im always looking and hiring for help as well as I again said its been a year now and the house is still unfinished, as well as I only do simple easy stuff which still hurts me. He only knows what he reads and lack of reading... Then again I haven't disclosed everything that's wrong with me.... where he missed reading recent gallbladder removal, then previous major reconstructive surgery, intestinal issues as well... but he will just keep cutting because he doesn't know everything. Where does he get Im angry, Im not and actually really peaceful and have been for quite some time now. Just got a vehicle and trying to get it ready for inspections, talking to my buddy about fixing the body damage later down the road... then again, Stephen Hawkins gets around ok in his chair making a decent he doesn't need any special accommodations or assistance? so if Jiro is as smart as he thinks he is, why doesn't he have Stephens or even Einstein's Job ? Not everyone has the brains for certain jobs, mine is wires strictly for Laboring, I hate to get a new cell phone as it takes forever to figure out new features... I lack technical knowledge, but have me build something...wooohooo !

never said you should be like Stephen Hawkings. even the intellects labored when job market went crap.
If Stephen was to go brain dead ( just not being smart...) would you still drill him Jiro? Would you say he is a slacker? Hopeless, just because he cant reason or think anymore? just as I cant labor anymore? same concept but different abilities.

so you're saying you can't adapt? not even trainer? consultant? contractor? etc.?
so you're saying you can't adapt? not even trainer? consultant? contractor? etc.?
Jiro, you have no clue do you?

I have adapted to the new lifestyle, am I happy with it, no Im not, but I can tolerate it to an extent... Oh yeah, I can build a house, a street rod... but can I fund it... no, can I tolerate the pain to do it? No. I have the knowledge but not the back.
I can run a crew, I can supervise, but most jobs/employers want credentals ( college degrees ) although I have experience under my belt of 15 years, I cant tolerate the physical demand of climbing ladders/stairs, constant stooping/crawling...ect. Otherwise yes, Id be in the work force. A wheelchair wont get you this job no matter what way you twist it. Ive held several state licenses, all have expired now as they are useless to me anymore. Oh well, say what you want as always... keep popping bubbles.
Unless one is disabled they may never understand.
Jiro, you have no clue do you?

I have adapted to the new lifestyle, am I happy with it, no Im not, but I can tolerate it to an extent... Oh yeah, I can build a house, a street rod... but can I fund it... no, can I tolerate the pain to do it? No. I have the knowledge but not the back.
I can run a crew, I can supervise, but most jobs/employers want credentals ( college degrees ) although I have experience under my belt of 15 years, I cant tolerate the physical demand of climbing ladders/stairs, constant stooping/crawling...ect. Otherwise yes, Id be in the work force. A wheelchair wont get you this job no matter what way you twist it. Ive held several state licenses, all have expired now as they are useless to me anymore. Oh well, say what you want as always... keep popping bubbles.

Excellent! :thumb:
Like I said, when his day comes, there will be different outlooks and state of mentality. Because he doesn't understand....yet.

So you're saying I would be unable to adapt and just live off on benefit cuz life's too hard?
So you're saying I would be unable to adapt and just live off on benefit cuz life's too hard?
No what Im saying is you will live off the benefit when you cant do anything that youre not capable of doing either it be mentally , physically or both.

If you have knowledge and become a computer geek, cool.
If youre strong and become a laborer, all the power to you...
But if you lack mental skills, or have a physical disability...awesome
because next thing you know, youre gonna be in someone elses shoes getting criticism, and listening to others BS because they don't understand YOUR situation...whatever it may be when that time comes.
No what Im saying is you will live off the benefit when you cant do anything that youre not capable of doing either it be mentally , physically or both.

If you have knowledge and become a computer geek, cool.
If youre strong and become a laborer, all the power to you...
But if you lack mental skills, or have a physical disability...awesome
because next thing you know, youre gonna be in someone elses shoes getting criticism, and listening to others BS because they don't understand YOUR situation...whatever it may be when that time comes.

you do realize that I have repeatedly stated that I am referring to people who are CAPABLE of working?

you do realize that I have repeatedly stated that I have no problem with people who are incapable of working? I have mentioned this many times in many threads.
So you're saying I would be unable to adapt and just live off on benefit cuz life's too hard?
If youre trying to make this out as saying Im lazy... I got 2 words for you and I bet you already know what they are, because you seem really ****ing smart.... smart ass, ass hole, but those aint the 2 words, nowhere close. I see how you like to just cut up on everyone because you think you are better than everyone else. So, jiro, why don't you sit back and think about all the things you assume about me, us.... everyone that you feel so superior over. You would really be shocked to hear from my friends, my co workers, my bosses who I really am, how I really am.... keep assuming, because you are wrong on so many levels. You are one to discriminate and man you are great at it too.... one day it will bite you in the ass. hate to say but you are not liked.
you do realize that I have repeatedly stated that I am referring to people who are CAPABLE of working?

you do realize that I have repeatedly stated that I have no problem with people who are incapable of working? I have mentioned this many times in many threads.

People are upset because they have said they are not capable of working, yet you've told them to get off their asses and adapt while also saying you have no problem with people who are incapable of working.
People are upset because they have said they are not capable of working, yet you've told them to get off their asses and adapt while also saying you have no problem with people who are incapable of working.

nope. that's not what I said.

What I said was this - instead of moping around and dwelling around on your past... ADAPT! if you hate living off on benefit.... then ADAPT!
exactly where did I say that?
So you're saying I would be unable to adapt and just live off on benefit cuz life's too hard?

Your comment just comes off like you are trying to say Im lazy and would rather sit on my ass? And jiro, Im as active as I can be... I don't sleep all day and rarely at night because of pain. Im usually up at 4am or 6am and I go to bed anywhere from 12am to 3am...hell its 1am now.

Yes, I got depressed for awhile after surgery, I went from 175# to 260# because I couldn't move. Finally I was able to get around a bit but felt disgusting, and I finally started eating healthy again and doing whatever I could that didn't cause a lot of pain yet there were times I did hurt myself just trying to do something I once did.. I am back down to a healthy 190# but would rather be 180.

But again, I can only do so much due to pain.

Im sorry if Im taking it wrong, yes the internet is nothing like talking in person ( no emotions or visual contact ) so its hard to express oneself and easily take things the wrong way... maybe Im a bit out of line for mis-understanding something somewhere, but its just the way I am seeing it.
Take a wild guess what the Third Reich did after they socialized healthcare ... a wiiiiillld guess . . . .

They targeted groups that were making healthcare more expensive ... like the disabled.

(pssssssssssst .... Canada is doing the same thing)
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