The Horrible Grapevine of Peter Gabriel

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Try having 5 girls chase you around telling you what they want what they really really want.....sheeeeesh.

OMG im dying of laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gail Burstyn was very gifted at getting people like Peter Gabriel to behave the way she wanted them to. I wonder how she knew.
Gail Burstyn was very gifted at getting people like Peter Gabriel to behave the way she wanted them to. I wonder how she knew.

Most women are really good at that. The "how" is not much of a secret.
:confused: :roll: :dunno:

I was looking for a WTF one but... OH WAIT- HERE IT IS!!


Yup, that about sums it up!!
OMG, now you're giving me flashbacks!! 7th or 8tha grade for awhile there me and my friend would watch a tape she had of their videos almost everyday after school. We watched it so much I used to have nightmares about one of their videos. I think. Do they have a video with a creepy looking pool with a big white snakelike thing in it?

The white snake reference reminded me of Whitesnake. I thought the lead singer was hot (why can't I remember his name right now??!!) and his then-girlfriend (the one with red hair in some of his videos) was just beautiful.
Don't you think it's bad enough being deaf without some rock star inciting his fans towards you by spreading rumors that you are stalking him? I haven't been to a single one of their concerts in decades without having such stories started.

Why would u be going to his concerts if he did such awful things to you? You should stay away from him. You are a stalker.
The white snake reference reminded me of Whitesnake. I thought the lead singer was hot (why can't I remember his name right now??!!) and his then-girlfriend (the one with red hair in some of his videos) was just beautiful.

She was Tawny Kitaen. I don't remember him being a big name....I could be wrong...
I can understand regarding me as an undesirable. I shouldn't say I was late deafened because what I mean is that I learned sign language late. There's a neuroplasm in my facial nerve that hurts and subverts my thinking processes and my social grace. I have baggage from having been tortured and not gotten encouragement and nurture about it.

Even so, I fail to understand why a man as powerful as Peter Gabriel felt it necessary to inflict years and years of humiliation and sadism upon me. What gives with this HATER? He is clearly a Euro-megalomaniac who thrill kills, leers and lives to do injury to innocent persons.

He set upon me publicly in full view of everyone and not one claim he made had any merits. The man who he humiliated was a trusted and adored professor of higher learning from a university that treasures its philosophers, and he even had me expelled from my low ranking job while twisting my life with his claims of friendship and love.

How could he DO this to somebody?
Peter Gabriel brutally, brutally tortured me after I went to him for help with terroristic and depraved mistreatment in a climate of comprehensive false witness and terroristic intimidation. I believed him when he said he was from Amnesty International and reported brutal and deranged child mutilation torture.

He is a criminally sick, extremely disturbed, immoral and perverted faceliar.
She was Tawny Kitaen. I don't remember him being a big name....I could be wrong...
He had big hair. :giggle:

David Coverdale! He used to be a Hairdresser before discovered Rock Stardom - hence he knew his way round a perm or two. Sang for Deep Purple before falling out with Richie Blackmore over a clash of Egos' (or hairstyles, you choose which) and then going on to form Whitesnake, later on known as David Coverdale's Whitesnake (there's that Ego again)
Also recorded an album with the Arch-Stalker Jimmy Page which wasn't very good. Legend has it, Robert Plant took one listen, raised an eyebrow then went back to counting his millions.

To my knowledge, The Cov has never recorded anything with Peter Gabriel. Obviously Coverdale's immense blond-highlighted demi-waved barnet is acting as some sort of psychic shield against the wiley menace of Mr. Sledgehammer...
He had big hair. :giggle:

Speaking of big hair...I just saw Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to do with It?" original music video, remastered.

Now that is big hair.....

p.s. Are there any conspiracy theories between her and Peter?
Wirelessly posted

TXgolfer said:
I had to get a restraining order against the Spice was horrible.

Oh yeah, very horrible LOL
Wirelessly posted

AlleyCat said:
OMG, now you're giving me flashbacks!! 7th or 8tha grade for awhile there me and my friend would watch a tape she had of their videos almost everyday after school. We watched it so much I used to have nightmares about one of their videos. I think. Do they have a video with a creepy looking pool with a big white snakelike thing in it?

The white snake reference reminded me of Whitesnake. I thought the lead singer was hot (why can't I remember his name right now??!!) and his then-girlfriend (the one with red hair in some of his videos) was just beautiful.

David Coverdale :)
I grew up listening to King Crimson and Genesis, believing in them and trusting them. Not anymore. They are correctly identified as The Gestapo and that degree of malevolence in their souls is why they can get published. What they did in aiding and abetting the AIDS combine is beyond unfunny.
well I dont know about all that, I do know Peter suffers from BiPolar Depression and he writes, produces and sings better than any other artist all together (IMO). He is also a bg supporter of music from all over the world.

I think the OP needs to up his\her medication or lay off the illegal ones.
Peter Gabriel brutally, brutally tortured me after I went to him for help with terroristic and depraved mistreatment in a climate of comprehensive false witness and terroristic intimidation. I believed him when he said he was from Amnesty International and reported brutal and deranged child mutilation torture.

He is a criminally sick, extremely disturbed, immoral and perverted faceliar.
Why would an American child go to a rock star thinking he would help him with terrorist stuff? Why would a child go to a rock star instead his parents, the local police, a counselor, or the real Amnesty International? Most children (or adults for that matter) wouldn't even know how to get in touch with Peter Gabriel, especially in pre-internet days.

You should at least make your fantasies feasible. You have more holes in your stories than granny's lace doilies.
To my knowledge, The Cov has never recorded anything with Peter Gabriel. Obviously Coverdale's immense blond-highlighted demi-waved barnet is acting as some sort of psychic shield against the wiley menace of Mr. Sledgehammer...

"......Granny's lace doillies....." :lol:
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