What are you thinking about? Part V

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True. I notice it is more peaceful without all the debate, and maybe eventually we can have more nice conversations with lots of people here like we used to.

That is otherwise,, want to enjoy friendly and want to happy, you happy enjoy best peace on you happy,you want to communication,you like on lots of netural around on ,netural you are happy!
I am thinking about a lot of things, but mostly about our new house.
Thinking of mio amor and me like the Patriot bedding:D
I am pretty lots of project! I am busy! no times I am busy! I am study effort! I am busy work!
Worn out by the heat, and at this moment, just praying to live until autumn. :(
gasman come give boilers its yearly check and it bu88ered so trying figure out where get money pay it out, my purse bled dry:(
I am lots pretty sleepy!!! I am work owl lots of work!
Am hoping they've figured out how to make the set piece that we struggled with last night move on to/off the stage. Otherwise I will tell them they need to find someone else to handle my end of it because I'm not going to risk any minor (or major) injury trying to get this thing moved. I already have a bruise on my arm from it.

** wishing my daughter would call to say she' in labor :D ** <== not really, she still has 3 weeks to her due date
Thinking I need to get back (again) to my ASL studies online and then be ready when a local friend will be ready to help me learn ASL as well. She is Deaf and is also an ASL instructor at 2 colleges and 2 private schools here locally.
Thinking about RR. I haven't seen her around lately. Anyone know what is going on with her? I sent her a PM, but no answer:-( Just want to make sure she is OK.
All day I was thinking it was Wednesday. I planned on packing up my kitchen counters tomorrow before the kitchen demo on Friday. Surprise, guess what I am doing tonight?haha

Glad RR is on vacation, thanks Bott.
again I work on lots of many increase heavy I high continue!!
All day I was thinking it was Wednesday. I planned on packing up my kitchen counters tomorrow before the kitchen demo on Friday. Surprise, guess what I am doing tonight?haha

Glad RR is on vacation, thanks Bott.

it is wednesday is'nt...i watching garden program and thinking i should do some cos my garden looks sh1t tip,but it me myself and i who do it when so called man sits on his arse watching me,and i think why i idiot to do it and he just an arse
Worn out by the heat, and at this moment, just praying to live until autumn. :(


Here are some photos to cool you off! Is has finally cooled down here , I hope it will stay like this . Everything is drying up and I been putting water out for the birds ,squirrels and even yellow jackets are drinking the water too. I saw a yellow jacket sit on the edge of the tray and drink some water while floating on the water. I wish I had a camera!

Here are some photos to cool you off! Is has finally cooled down here , I hope it will stay like this . Everything is drying up and I been putting water out for the birds ,squirrels and even yellow jackets are drinking the water too. I saw a yellow jacket sit on the edge of the tray and drink some water while floating on the water. I wish I had a camera!

:wave: Our news just reported highs above 100 almost everyday next week.

Plus I am getting heat advisory warning texts on my phone.
Just thinking about how appalling it is at Aurora, Colorado...
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