Ron Paul on Michele Bachmann: ‘She Hates Muslims’

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According to whom? Please don't quote the guy on the street again.

It's a fact that businesses are there to make money. Lowe's made a business decision. I don't think Lowe's is in the business to lose money.
It's a fact that businesses are there to make money. Lowe's made a business decision. I don't think Lowe's is in the business to lose money.

That in no way extrapolates to "every decision they make as a company is financially based.":roll:
Here's another patriotic American:

His call sign is "Hadji," meaning "one who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca."

"It's a pilot thing," explains Colonel Douglas Burpee, the highest ranking Muslim officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Now in his 23rd year of military service, Colonel Burpee recently returned from flying helicopters in Afghanistan.

"Everyone knows I'm a Muslim. When I fly, attached to my dog tags, I wear a pendant with a passage from the Koran," he says. "I try to set a good example based upon what I believe.... I can be a soldier and a Muslim at the same time. I have no problem with that."

Muslims in the Military - April 21, 2006 - The New York Sun
It's a fact that businesses are there to make money. Lowe's made a business decision. I don't think Lowe's is in the business to lose money.

Exactly...... This decision wasn't made without considering $$$.
Come on, do you think Lowe's is trying to make a political statement? We're not talking Fox news here. What would be the point? It's not their arena.
Exactly...... This decision wasn't made without considering $$$.

Hmmm. I will stop doing business with Lowe's and urge my friends to do the same.
Very dumb of Lowe's. Just dumb.
Hmmm. I will stop doing business with Lowe's and urge my friends to do the same.
Very dumb of Lowe's. Just dumb.

Yeah and others will do more business with Lowes..... I don't think they will feel a thing.
Yeah and others will do more business with Lowes..... I don't think they will feel a thing.

Who? Those "patriotic Americans?":laugh2:

Given the number of Muslims in America, if they loose only 1/4 of their business, it will impact their profit margins.
Three billion Muslims in the world. I like it. :)
Paul blew Bachmann out of the water. Really, now, is that so surprising? :)
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