
Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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sorry i made too much of useless threads this past day. :giggle:

How often do you spend your time on facebook? :cool2: me nosey nosey~!

Me? I usually check them almost every morning for half hr. Sometimes at night for 15 minutes. I did not really have time to read everyone's statuses or anything. I do make sure to reply back if anyone PM me or leave me the wall messages. sometimes, someone ask me to let others know that takes me more than half hr but not too often.
I am off and on for most of the time I am at computer. Between noon and 11pm. I will sometimes leave multiple tabs open in Google and have AD, FB and ASL instruction website.
I always have multiple tabs open. I check it every few hours, do some posting, put up pixs, whatever.. Don't usually stay on for any real long periods of time. Same as with AD. Bounce in, bounce out :)
I always have multiple tabs open. I check it every few hours, do some posting, put up pixs, whatever.. Don't usually stay on for any real long periods of time. Same as with AD. Bounce in, bounce out :)

yeah same here but ad is the one i read more than fb or email. :giggle: I think because fb and email are more personal while ad i dont take it too personally but enjoy reading it. LOL
I opened a FB account a few months ago, and since then...

ARRGHHH!!!! :run:
Im sure you will take a break from FB sometimes and leave it rest for a couple of times a day or so. lol

Oh, yeah! Lately, I have been getting messages from a bunch of people I went to high school with, so I have been checking it more. But, I will slow way down, I'm sure!
not much. I cannot keep up with news on my wall. I just see what I see what's on my screen and that's it. simpler that way.

sad that lot of people religiously read every single thing.
I always have multiple tabs open. I check it every few hours, do some posting, put up pixs, whatever.. Don't usually stay on for any real long periods of time. Same as with AD. Bounce in, bounce out :)

Same here.. Multiple tabs.. FB, AD, and local news sites for reading. I flip through the tabs.
I know jiro. lol Like this morning, he paged me asking, " what happened to this person". I was like, "huh what???". he said, " is he ok?" I said, "huh" as it dawned on me that i realize he was talking about facebook status. :roll: I said, " oh i have no idea, so let me check his status to see whats going on". I had to open it on my cellphone and check it. then I told him, " call him then!". :lol: He said, " i will call him and will let you know whats going on". I said, " sure. ". how cute he is when it comes with facebook.
My robot take care it for me.....

however, email is the FIRST thing I ever check in the begin of day, everyday
I check FB couple of times during on day on my mobile cos I got app. Easy just to open app and quick look and close app few times day. I probably check online version of FB 2-3 times per month.