Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

It's relevant because the Beck rally appealed to conservative people, and the Sharpton rally appealed to liberal people, regardless of skin colors.

keyword - "regardless of skin colors."

then there's no need to ask
What is the percentage of minorities who are politically conservative?

it is expected to see a sizable number of Veterans at most Veteran-related parades, don't you agree?
Nope. And I wouldn't want anyone to speculate why I didn't attend either rally.
Why would they stay away from Beck? I think nobody wants to really think about that.

You commented that Beck's rally was Conservative in nature, and Sharpton's was Liberal. So, with that in mind, can we draw a conclusion that Conservatives are generally white, and Liberals are generally black, based on this weekend's events?
So, based on that, what is your impression?
The divide could be a philosophical/political reason rather than a racial reason. It would depend on which politically-directed group that an individual identified and aligned with.
I have not called Beck or his rally a racist event. I asked where the minorities were. You just can't get over why some people don't consider a rally of this nature the "feel good event of 2010." Write that check today, and show your support for Beck and his crusaders.

The Restoring Honor wasn't about creating divisions. No. It was about giving back honor to people and to America. The division creating job was left up to Al Sharpton and Jealous who were trying to do just that. Sow seeds of discord. How come they didn't go to that rally in support and pay tribute to MLK, too, and join hands with the rest of the people there and welcome Dr. Alveda King and others at the stage?

Not racist? I'd take your word but what troubles me is your little glib funny remark about Glenn Beck finally get a picture for his desk of a black girl holding an American flag that was at the Restoring Honor rally.
The divide could be a philosophical/political reason rather than a racial reason. It would depend on which politically-directed group that an individual identified and aligned with.
Based on recent visual evidence, provided by DC and national media, I would say that blacks are not Conservatives, ratio-wise, and blacks are Liberals, ratio-wise.
My point has been this, what is it about Beck that there are so few minorities in the crowd? We know that they were not all over at Rev. Sharpton's protest rally. Where were they? Why did they stay away? I was trying to learn, not draw conclusions. I wanted to feel informed. Instead, I feel like I stumbled into a hornet's nest.

Maybe you can address the AD demographics with a new poll, asking members what race they consider themselves. A lot of people keep some things to themselves. Some people are deceptive online.
I just couldn't help but notice that you seemed to appreciate this answer:
because Becks followers and the majority of all the tea party members are unhappy white folks.
a lot more than this one.
Either out of fear (for being called an "Uncle Tom"), intolerance, they were misinformed, or have other reasons and so on.
And you're trying to make yourself the victim by complaining of walking into a hornet's nest. In an environment where Tea Partiers are tired of being accused of racism based on the thinnest of evidence and having innuendos directed at them based on their demographic makeup, forgive us if we don't take a question like "Gee, why are most people there white?" as an innocent inquiry.
The Restoring Honor wasn't about creating divisions. No. It was about giving back honor to people and to America. The division creating job was left up to Al Sharpton and Jealous who were trying to do just that. Sow seeds of discord. How come they didn't go to that rally in support and pay tribute to MLK, too, and join hands with the rest of the people there and welcome Dr. Alveda King and others at the stage?

Not racist? I'd take your word but what troubles me is your little glib funny remark about Glenn Beck finally get a picture for his desk of a black girl holding an American flag that was at the Restoring Honor rally.
You mean, let's all be sheep for Beck? You know, maybe some people can see through the bullshit. In your words, beck is part of the commentary division of FoxNews. Why should we take him seriously?
so why show MLK film and get MLK's niece to speak loudly - "this is not about the color" message?

what was that? I thought this was about "Restoring Honor".... not Civil Rights. which one??? :dizzy:
So MLK wasn't about honor and character? He wasn't about judging all people according to their character rather than their skin color?
keyword - "regardless of skin colors."

then there's no need to ask
Yes, there is. Then we can determine if the decision to attend or not attend was based on politics or race. If the Beck group was mostly white but an even mix of conservative and liberal, then it would appear to be a racial divide. If the Sharpton group was mostly black and an even mix of conservative and liberal, then it would appear to be a racial divide.

it is expected to see a sizable number of Veterans at most Veteran-related parades, don't you agree?
It depends. Usually there are more non-veterans attending the parade to show their appreciation and respect for the smaller number of veterans who are being honored.
I just couldn't help but notice that you seemed to appreciate this answer:

a lot more than this one.

And you're trying to make yourself the victim by complaining of walking into a hornet's nest. In an environment where Tea Partiers are tired of being accused of racism based on the thinnest of evidence and having innuendos directed at them based on their demographic makeup, forgive us if we don't take a question like "Gee, why are most people there white?" as an innocent inquiry.

Or see them as "trophies" or "token minorities" by making a glib remark about how Beck can now finally take home to his desk a picture of black girl holding an American flag who attended the Restoring Honor rally event yesterday.
The division creating job was left up to Al Sharpton and Jealous who were trying to do just that. Sow seeds of discord. How come they didn't go to that rally in support and pay tribute to MLK, too, and join hands with the rest of the people there and welcome Dr. Alveda King and others at the stage?

really? *looking at Reba's post* -

"Let the line stretch. They're already going to say there were only 2,000 or 3,000 of you here," Sharpton said. "If people start heckling, smile at them. This ain't about you, it's about Dr. King."

Education Secretary Arne Duncan told the ralliers gathered at Dunbar High School that education is the civil rights issue of this generation. "Parents: Turn off the television. Educators: We have to stop making excuses," he said. "The dividing line in our country today is less around white and black and more about educational opportunity. We've been too satisfied with second-class schools."

"This is America. All groups ought to have the opportunity to speak and give their point of view. We've been at the Mall," said the Rev. W. Franklin Richardson, president of Grace Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, N.Y. "It's all right with me that they are at the Mall today because we are at the White House."

and there are some few bad hecklers who use race card but that's not an issue in here.
interesting -

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who was an aide to Martin Luther King Jr. and was at the 1963 march, said, "When I look at my television, I don't see the King crowd of blacks and whites together."

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said: "We are not sure what the message of the Beck rally is since he told them to leave their signs at home. We have revitalize jobs and schools and reclaim Dr. King's dream."
I just couldn't help but notice that you seemed to appreciate this answer:

a lot more than this one.

And you're trying to make yourself the victim by complaining of walking into a hornet's nest. In an environment where Tea Partiers are tired of being accused of racism based on the thinnest of evidence and having innuendos directed at them based on their demographic makeup, forgive us if we don't take a question like "Gee, why are most people there white?" as an innocent inquiry.

I asked why. I wanted to understand Beck and his philosophy without sitting at his website. I asked for some guidance. All I get was a bunch of pissed off white folks telling me to pipe down. I get it. Consider it done. If Beck comes to my town, I will be sure to attend. Gotta stick up for my peeps...:roll:
Based on recent visual evidence, provided by DC and national media, I would say that blacks are not Conservatives, ratio-wise, and blacks are Liberals, ratio-wise.
Then it would make sense that more blacks would attend liberal rallies rather than conservative rallies.
Why would they stay away from Beck? I think nobody wants to really think about that.

You commented that Beck's rally was Conservative in nature, and Sharpton's was Liberal. So, with that in mind, can we draw a conclusion that Conservatives are generally white, and Liberals are generally black, based on this weekend's events?

This isn't about Beck but about restoring honor and recognizing people for who they are and not about their skin color. Conservative in nature does not describe skin color. Same for Liberals. It's the ideology and political beliefs are what people believe in.
Then it would make sense that more blacks would attend liberal rallies rather than conservative rallies.

I didn't see evidence of that rally held by Sharpton and Jealous. And they had weeks to prepare and knew this Restoring Honor rally was already in the make.
So MLK wasn't about honor and character? He wasn't about judging all people according to their character rather than their skin color?

then we should expect to see a good mix of all kinds at his rally, don't you think?
Or see them as "trophies" or "token minorities" by making a glib remark about how Beck can now finally take home to his desk a picture of black girl holding an American flag who attended the Restoring Honor rally event yesterday.
Why was a picture of a young black girl given celebrity treatment if it was not out of the norm? If these selected black speakers had such influence for their people, why did they choose to stay away?
Then it would make sense that more blacks would attend liberal rallies rather than conservative rallies.

but.... this was not a political rally.