Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

Or see them as "trophies" or "token minorities" by making a glib remark about how Beck can now finally take home to his desk a picture of black girl holding an American flag who attended the Restoring Honor rally event yesterday.
True. That seemed to come off as a nasty pot shot, but if you really think about it, would it be so bad if Glenn Beck put that picture on his computer as his desktop wallpaper? Would it really be so bad for him to be proud about influencing a young black girl to grow up with honor?
Why was a picture of a young black girl given celebrity treatment if it was not out of the norm? If these selected black speakers had such influence for their people, why did they choose to stay away?

Celebrity treatment? It's just a picture of a girl holding an American flag. I say that was a very good picture there. Cute, too. Now, she's a token celebrity, too? Where will this nonsense end?

There could be many reasons why they didn't attend as I said before. Like Reba said earlier, go ask them.
True. That seemed to come off as a nasty pot shot, but if you really think about it, would it be so bad if Glenn Beck put that picture on his computer as his desktop wallpaper? Would it really be so bad for him to be proud about influencing a young black girl to grow up with honor?

The horror! And she'd be branded forever as a "token celebrity," too. Such garbage thoughts, folks.
Or see them as "trophies" or "token minorities" by making a glib remark about how Beck can now finally take home to his desk a picture of black girl holding an American flag who attended the Restoring Honor rally event yesterday.

huh? Are you attempting to paint this as..... pedophiliac? :ugh:
Yes, there is. Then we can determine if the decision to attend or not attend was based on politics or race. If the Beck group was mostly white but an even mix of conservative and liberal, then it would appear to be a racial divide. If the Sharpton group was mostly black and an even mix of conservative and liberal, then it would appear to be a racial divide.
again - this rally is not political. I'm not interested in racial divide. I'm interested in knowing why there is so few minorities in a non-political rally especially when MLK's niece was there as a guest speaker?
but.... this was not a political rally.
No, but there are political/social philosophies included.

As you can note, Sharpton's rally included Code Pink and anti-war protesters. Do you think the same people who support those groups would be interested in attending a Beck rally?
No, but there are political/social philosophies included.

As you can note, Sharpton's rally included Code Pink and anti-war protesters. Do you think the same people who support those groups would be interested in attending a Beck rally?

so what was MLK's niece doing there with Glenn Beck?
True. That seemed to come off as a nasty pot shot, but if you really think about it, would it be so bad if Glenn Beck put that picture on his computer as his desktop wallpaper? Would it really be so bad for him to be proud about influencing a young black girl to grow up with honor?

Oh, and another thing. Suppose we get a response from an ADer who is black or African American who agrees and support with what Lloyd Marcus commented in his recent blog about the rally, would that ADer be also an "Uncle Tom," too? And say to his/her face "Well, if you really believe that then you must be an Uncle Tom."

It'd be an utter and foolish nonsense to say that. Irresponsible, too. Call Marcus by that name and anybody else of that same race who'd agree would be categorically name called in the same vein just because of the color of his/her skin.

Celebrity treatment? It's just a picture of a girl holding an American flag. I say that was a very good picture there. Cute, too. Now, she's a token celebrity, too? Where will this nonsense end?
Photographers know that pictures of cute kids, pretty girls, people wearing funny hats, and baby animals always "sell." The other hot categories are emotional dramas, explosions, bizarre critters, and sports highlights.
so what was MLK's niece doing there with Glenn Beck?
Possibly she agrees with and supports his socio/political positions. You'll have to ask her, not me, to be sure.
again - this rally is not political. I'm not interested in racial divide. I'm interested in knowing why there is so few minorities in a non-political rally especially when MLK's niece was there as a guest speaker?

We tried. It has become a tired circle. Reminds me of being married, when there is a heated discussion where both parties dig in. Time to clean the garage.
Photographers know that pictures of cute kids, pretty girls, people wearing funny hats, and baby animals always "sell." The other hot categories are emotional dramas, explosions, bizarre critters, and sports highlights.

Yeah, except this time she is now a "token celebrity." :roll:

Again, garbage. And yes, true, kids make the perfect pictures in any events. I really like that one at the Restoring Honor rally picture. Nice layout.
We tried. It has become a tired circle. Reminds me of being married, when there is a heated discussion where both parties dig in. Time to clean the garage.

Reba and others made it clear. Go ask them! We can only speculate and gave several possible reasons. We already gave you some answers. So, don't go out with this "we tried" nonsense.
Possibly she agrees with and supports his socio/political positions. You'll have to ask her, not me, to be sure.

She already explained - "It's a matter of honor."

Glenn Beck 8/28 rally: It's a matter of honor -
Americans are hungry to reclaim the symbols of our liberty, hard won by an unlikely group of outnumbered, outgunned, underfunded patriots determined not to live in servitude to the British Empire. If we want to sing the national anthem at a memorial to the man who led this fledgling nation out of slavery, and made my people free, we should be able to send our voices soaring to the heavens.

Glenn Beck’s “Rally to Restore Honor” this Saturday will give us that chance, and that’s why I feel it’s important for me to be there.

Before the words were out of Mr. Beck’s mouth announcing the Aug. 28 rally, The New York Times noted that it would be at the same place and 47 years to the day since my Uncle Martin gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.” When asked why he chose that date in particular, Beck said he had not realized its significance, but in thinking about it, he saw it is an auspicious day to rally for the honor of the American people. He has said, and he’s right, that Martin Luther King didn’t speak only for African-Americans. He spoke for all Americans, and his words still ring true.

Other groups are planning rallies and demonstrations in Washington that day, and freedom of speech gives them the right to do so – and to criticize me for not jumping on their bandwagon. But Uncle Martin’s legacy is big enough to go around.

wonderful. I would expect to see a good mix of all kinds together at this rally.
Reba and others made it clear. Go ask them! We can only speculate and gave several possible reasons. We already gave you some answers. So, don't go out with this "we tried" nonsense.

that's not what you did. You accused us for accusing Beck as racist and you turned this into a racist debacle.
Reba and others made it clear. Go ask them! We can only speculate and gave several possible reasons. We already gave you some answers. So, don't go out with this "we tried" nonsense.

Yes dear....
Let's go grab a few cold ones down at the strip club! :giggle:

just read information on MLK's niece - Alveda King. wow... she surely is the Black Sheep in the King family. No wonder Glenn Beck took her in. :io: