'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage

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Well, in my opinion. I wanted to join that Samaritan's healthplan because I feel it a christian duty to help others, and I know it won't cover anything that is unbiblical. I hope they do consider it as religious exemption.

I think you are whistling Dixie on that one.

What exactly is Biblical health care?

You do realize, don't you, that just because an insurance policy covers a particular procedure, it doesn't mean that you have to have that procedure if you consider it to be "unbiblical".

For instance, there are religions that will not allow blood transfusions. However, they will allow all other procedures. They will need insurance because they do get traditional health care.
well, it was design for christians who did not want to pay money to insurance that do cover abortions.
No, the group that you are referring to is not an insurance policy.

When I read it, it sounded very similar to some of the Calvinists' and Mennonites' version of insurance (ie. show your doctor a red card, and they will bill the trust fund organization)-- hence I said apply for religious exemption if you want to join an organization like that.
This is just my opinion.

Womens health care and family planning that is funded is not complete unless, abortion is included.

Too many women are having babies that they can not care for. .
Putting a major strain on tax payers money

Exactly..if you dont want them to have abortions but they wont take care of the babies, then I, as a taxpayer, have to pay for the care of the babies to be raised in foster care? Ummm...I am not too fond of that idea.
I can see the fervor over tax dollars going for abortions, but I also see my tax dollars used for things I am vehemently opposed to, such as the Iraq war. I guarantee than more than half my taxes go for things I have no desire to sponsor. Maybe we should have a charity Iraqi invasion force. :hmm:

Good point...
When I read it, it sounded very similar to some of the Calvinists' and Mennonites' version of insurance (ie. show your doctor a red card, and they will bill the trust fund organization)-- hence I said apply for religious exemption if you want to join an organization like that.

They can apply, but the exemption to my understanding, will apply mostly to those that don't use traditional medicine and therefore, do not have health care expenses. I guess that distinction is one that will be applied to each individual application. I see the propensity for lots of attempted scams.
It isn't just that, there's other things too:

Health care-sharing ministries: Paying their fair share - Roanoke.com

It's more of a religious belief then you think.

Whether or not it is a religious belief is not the issue. The issue is whether it is a recognized religious group that qualifies for exemption. Just being a religious group is not sufficient. There has to be an established doctine that is accepted under the criteria for exemption.

Catholics object to abortion, also. They, however, will no doubt not qualify for an exemption based on that belief.
They can apply, but the exemption to my understanding, will apply mostly to those that don't use traditional medicine and therefore, do not have health care expenses. I guess that distinction is one that will be applied to each individual application. I see the propensity for lots of attempted scams.

Right, but I can't inquiry what a member's religious belief is on the forum without breaking the rules.
You will have to prove that you are a member of a recognized religious group that does not untilize traditional medicine.
Recognized by whom?

You can't just say you oppose it on religious grounds to get out of having insurance. If there is a record of you having received medical care, then obviously you are attempting to pull a scam.
Not necessarily. People's beliefs can change over time.

Or, if you join that religious group a day or two before making your claim, you are obviously trying to pull a scam.
Not necessarily. People can come to a spiritual revelation overnight.

For example:

Born again Christians believe that everyone is a sinner doomed to hell until that precise moment that the individual accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior. The transformation from non-believer to believer is instantaneous. As a result, they can make life changes overnight.
Yeah, and all criminals find God when the jail cell locks behind them.:roll:

A shame that people will use religion as an attempt to get out of obeying the law. Really disrespectful to those that are true to their doctrine no matter the circumstances.
Recognized by whom?

Not necessarily. People's beliefs can change over time.

Not necessarily. People can come to a spiritual revelation overnight.

For example:

Born again Christians believe that everyone is a sinner doomed to hell until that precise moment that the individual accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior. The transformation from non-believer to believer is instantaneous. As a result, they can make life changes overnight.

Start an insurance company that cater to Christians then.


The groups with exemptions have written doctrines outlining the interpretation of the Bible.
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