AllDeaf Meet - 30 Jan, 2010 in NYC

Who is getting excited about this event? I AM!!!!! I hope I dont get drunk and end up wandering in the streets of NYC.! LOL! :lol:
I will be nervous too but once I start chatting and drinking, it will ebb! :lol:
Nooooo...freaky stuff will happen? Wow!

I cannot be held responsible for what my hand may do to ya'all.

n8825246_6516.jpg hubby's ASL skills are probably level 2 so he will join Jiro with the hand craziness!

* HUGE relieved sigh*
KEWL I was at a level 2...but I have lost alot of 'conversational ASL'. I have been tutoring a 8yr old in ASL for over a year but she doesn't practice and doesn't understand the 'ASL sentence structure'. being a hearie trying to explain to another hearie is very complicated.

Yeah. I am looking forward to meeting all of you. I hope all of us have a safe trip. Therefore, we will have blast times as long as everything is under control.
I'm a little nervous meeting you all too! and Shel, I'll get drunk with you and wander the streets of NYC. ;)

But Jiro, don't you DARE to use that hand near me....
My hubby is trying to make himself available to all of us...first he has to be off from work and second, ensure that we have a sitter and then he will come too.

Wish my brother would come cuz he would join Jiro with the hand thing. LOL!
I'm a little nervous meeting you all too! and Shel, I'll get drunk with you and wander the streets of NYC. ;)

But Jiro, don't you DARE to use that hand near me....

If my hubby comes, i will get drunk. If not, get buzzed because I cant get drunk and wake up in some strange place. LOL!
If my hubby comes, i will get drunk. If not, get buzzed because I cant get drunk and wake up in some strange place. LOL!

Why not? I think it would make a great story.
"Oh man, once I got wasted in NYC, and woke up on a rock in Central Park sleeping next to an "oralist" chick who goes by the name of Daredevel and some Korean guy who kept trying to use the shocker on me."
My hubby is trying to make himself available to all of us...first he has to be off from work and second, ensure that we have a sitter and then he will come too.

Wish my brother would come cuz he would join Jiro with the hand thing. LOL!

Such a loaded statement for a perverted mind like mine.....LOL