Last Movie You Watched?

Super Size Me
Super High Me
Food Inc.
Public Enemies
Final Destination 4
American Hardcore
Street Fighter (90's)
The Punisher (90's)
The Woodsman
Class of 1984
Night of the Creeps
The Gate
World's Greatest Dad
342554242 other movies
Super Size Me
Super High Me
Food Inc.
Public Enemies
Final Destination 4
American Hardcore
Street Fighter (90's)
The Punisher (90's)
The Woodsman
Class of 1984
Night of the Creeps
The Gate
World's Greatest Dad
342554242 other movies

Geez louise. :shock: Ever seen the light of day, pal?
Geez louise. :shock: Ever seen the light of day, pal?

Super Size Me
Super High Me
Food Inc.
Public Enemies
Final Destination 4
American Hardcore
Street Fighter (90's)
The Punisher (90's)
The Woodsman
Class of 1984
Night of the Creeps
The Gate
World's Greatest Dad
342554242 other movies
Damn, are you high?
I've been on a movie kick here as of late.
That was my first post in months also, if you actually backtracked and re-read some of my earlier post you'll realize I obviously enjoy watching movies.

I've contributed to this thread many times before.
I tend to watch 1-3 movies daily

Last movie(s) watched:
- The Thaw - Val Kilmer pre-historic virus flick
- Mac and Me - This film is the epitome of cheesiness. I think I prefer it over E.T.
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) - Wal-Mart is offering the 2-disc, tin set for only $5. GREAT deal.
I watched Mutant Chronicles. Not a bad movie, but not a "great" movie. It was good.

I wrote a review for this earlier this year:

This film has endured so many hardships and distributor troubles. I remember seeing one of the first stills in Fangoria back in late 2006/early 2007, so I expected the movie to be arriving summer 2007 but nothing ever came... I waited and waited until finally in December 2008 I obtained a copy of the movie and, within 10 minutes of viewing, I was ready to cry. I waited 2+ fucking years for this pile of shit?

"The Mutant Chronicles" was shot on a very low budget and entirely in digital! I'm not for sure if that was the best decision with the amount of money involved. With fully digitally shot action films being released more frequently these days, and in superb quality (I.E. "300", "Sin City", "Sky Captain...Tomorrow", etc.), this film looks absolutely ridiculous for the most part.

Honestly, this type of movie is more fitting for the Sci-Fi Channel, but maybe it will earn a place among fans of the RPG and comic.
I watched a few movies during the weekend...

- Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations
- Land of the Lost
- Big Trouble in Little China

Butterfly Effect 3 has one friggin brutal opening. It's like buckets full of (fake) blood. I was surprised to see that much carnage because the other two films have lilttle to no gore.

Big Trouble in Little China. One word: GREATNESS
Year One--It was a funny film, I love Jack and Michael's body language and facial expressions. :lol:

One of the biggest disappointments this year. It's terribly and the comedy was pathetic. I was really wanting to enjoy this movie also. Bummer
Super Size Me
Super High Me not yet
Food Inc. never heard of it
Pandorum I enjoyed it but it's one-time view
Public Enemies i like it
Final Destination 4 :zzz:
American Hardcore never heard of it
Street Fighter (90's) meh...
The Punisher (90's) lame!
The Woodsman never heard of it
Class of 1984 not yet
Carriers this was an interesting zombie-related movie
Night of the Creeps good ole' classic
The Gate :Ohno: hold me
Pusher never heard of it
Extract didn't finish it but it's interesting
World's Greatest Dad never heard of it
342554242 other movies same

see above for my reviews
Food Inc.

Documentary of the year, in my opinion.
I've watched the movie twice and it's seriously made me question my diet and the foods that I eat. No, it's not gonna convert me to go vegan but it's definitely sparked my interest in organic foods. Also, McDonalds will never receive any of my money.. ever again. I'm boycotting that place.
Butterfly Effect 3 has one friggin brutal opening. It's like buckets full of (fake) blood. I was surprised to see that much carnage because the other two films have lilttle to no gore.

Big Trouble in Little China. One word: GREATNESS

Halfway through the movie, I figured out what was going on. ;)

Yep, Big Trouble in Little China... great movie. :)