A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

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My Christmas Outfit.


Nice!!! I can't wait to buy more funky sneakers when my kids get older and have their own jobs. i will say about 12 more years to go. :shock:

How about this? Cute or what?!!!!!!!!

P.s. Loving the socks Botts! and the connies!

haha I actually looked at the dog and thought the dog was cuter! :lol:
well I have to ride you to deliver toys! ho ho ho! damn recession... my Santa sled and 8 reindeer got repo'ed! :mad2:

Urm... :shock: I'm not sure Im up for that but I guess me and my horse can give you a backie.
groovy socks there, bott!
haha sorry, I have a dozen (minus a few that have been eaten :P ) shall I post you some?

so help me woman if you take a picture an post it... I might just have to run out and get some LOL
Urm... :shock: I'm not sure Im up for that but I guess me and my horse can give you a backie.

don't worry! I'm light as a feather!

*munching down on Krispy Kremes donuts* damn this is good!
:lol: I think we need to call Jess in here for one of her famous :nutkick:

I uh.... have a meeting with elves now. gotta go!

*going up thru chimney*

This is someone's actual wedding cake!! go on em, get the car running...

Hehe, Jiro, keep up eating those KKs and I might be able to see you from all the way over the pond!

This is someone's actual wedding cake!! go on em, get the car running...

Hehe, Jiro, keep up eating those KKs and I might be able to see you from all the way over the pond!

Ok now THAT looks a bit too much! LOL dear god a wedding cake?! I'd love to see the looks on KK's worker's faces when they heard that one!

*cheers* the rest of my new clothes arrived today, EEEEE!!!!!!!
Yep tops and jackets. I was a little bit nervous buying online as not all their clothing seems to fit the same way. I just tried on the first top... it's just a bit tight on the top but the bottom fits fine *sigh* this is how it ALWAYS goes : /
hehe! cool! yeah, Im always a bit dubious about online shopping for that reason!! I guess that's the price you have to pay for having better 'assets' lol
Thanks, Lianne, Frisky and Jiro. I absolutely love Chuck shoes, and my favorite super spy Chuck will be back on tv in January!
This thread killed the Lounge Thread. :eek3:
even in a better way.
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