Red Bull


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Dec 29, 2007
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Mmmmmm :giggle:
I've never had Red Bull before, so I have no idea how it tastes or what I'm missing. In a way, I'm afraid of drinking it because of its' stimulant effects which can negatively affect my moods. If I need more energy, I run on my treadmill, take long walks and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
Red Bull is so good if you mix it with any kind of schnapps like apple pucker, cherry, etc. Mmmmmm :giggle: Makes for nice shots!
It's nice with VODKA!! Hehe I had some with my lunch today :P
But last week I had 2 Red Bulls on its own like a few hours apart and I wasnt able to sleep haha
I don't notice the stimulating effects of it. Perhaps because I've always mixed it with alcohol, and that basically counteracts any stimulants :giggle:

:ty: for answering my question AlleyCat.

Mixing Red Bull with alcohol sure sounds good and makes me wish I had some right now. :giggle:
i dont work. I finished college at 12.30, my mum and sister picked me up from college then went for a meal near my college.
I have just remembered iv had another red bull on its own about half hour ago LOL
Ohhh I want some red bull and vodka, im going to try and find vodka :D
I don't drink any of that crap. I already have too much energy to start with. I'll be on the ceiling if I had some.
Now I'm really tempted to try it even though that's probably not a good idea. Maybe drinking a small amount won't hurt. This may sound like a stupid question, but Red Bull doesn't have any alcohol in it, does it? I can't read the label, so I wouldn't know one way or the other.
How stimulating is Red Bull anyway?

it varies for each person. I've mentioned quite a few times in other threads about my friend being ultra-sensitive to it. I'll say it again. For my friend, she is so sensitive that half of Red Bull can is enough to keep her away for a whole night. It takes about 3 Red Bull cans to keep me awake :roll: but I had side effect from drinking that much. It can cause constipation and upset stomach.

That's why I had to resort to dishing out $$$$$$$ for Provigil (anti-narcolepsy medication) just to survive college + work at same time :roll:
It is probably my last drink till fri night next week. im not a big drinker