Be honest..


New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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How many of you went to work with a major hangover?

I have in the past. but it is been a long, long time..

I had a friend last week came over. Her husband left her. Of course! on a work night. She came over. We started drinking.....

Oh how I hated life, when I had to get up...Hubby was laughing!!

I got up. and took a shower, ate. took some Motrin. Head out to work. Dang the clock! It seemed like it kept going five minutes backwards that day.

Whew! lesson learned!!
The Alarm clock.... Is what really felt like destroying.. :P

When I had to get up.
Not only have a shown up to work hungover, but I have also shown up for church hungover. :shock:
Yes, I did. A Southern Baptist Church no less........ oooh if Bro. Jamie sees this, oh lawd Im gonna die!
Yes, I did. A Southern Baptist Church no less........ oooh if Bro. Jamie sees this, oh lawd Im gonna die!

lawdy, lawdy, lawd!!

I have seen people walk in Church Drunk.

Hope Brother James, is not lurking tonight!
No kiddin'! I actually get into it on purpose when it's called for! Like when I need to shop at Walmart, I HAVE to slam a couple to keep it sane there! LOL
Never done it as it wouldnt be so professional and can cost me my job. ISnt gonna risk it!!
That is psycho to show up to church hungover......Im sure its happened a bunch though.
Once, at the end of the school year, on the last day cuz we had our end-of-the-year happy hour the night before. I embarassed myself in front of my coworkers the night before and showing up with a hangover only to have them mock me all day wasnt easy. Never did it again.