Be honest..

:hmm: I wonder if anyone actually arrived to a business meeting with a hangover or drunk, that would be really embarrassing. :laugh2:
:giggle:I was a carpet installer and had to work a ten hour day with the worst hangover of my life, I thought I was going to throw kup every five minutes and dizzy spells all day. I managed to made it through the whole day and I was never so happy to see my bed when I got home, I went directly to sleep and hoped I was going to die in my sleep. Yes, I said I would never do that again but I continued to have many years of pounding headaches and spinning rooms.
When your an alcoholic you swear off drinking but the next time it comes around you can't resist. Kinda like chocolate for women. You swear it off, but everytime you see it, you can't control your urge to have a bit then you end up eating the whole damn bar.

The best way to stop drinking is to just avoid situations where you know you'll drink.