What is Your Pet Peeve?

*sigh* that's yet another reason why i want to move to arizona.

my next pet peeve are people who use the term "visually impaired" when talking to cab dispatch after i've told them i'm blind. <mad> what's so hard about using the word "blind?"

That drives me nuts! I'm not visually impaired, visually challenged, sight impaired, partially sighted, sight challenged, or whatever other euphemism you have up your sleeve! I'm blind! Blind. People need to stop being in denial about our blindness -- we're not in denial about our blindness. Use it nicely and proudly! BLIND.
That drives me nuts! I'm not visually impaired, visually challenged, sight impaired, partially sighted, sight challenged, or whatever other euphemism you have up your sleeve! I'm blind! Blind. People need to stop being in denial about our blindness -- we're not in denial about our blindness. Use it nicely and proudly! BLIND.

Sounds like they are walking on eggshells...maybe it's that they don't want an angry blind person on their hands.:lol:
That drives me nuts! I'm not visually impaired, visually challenged, sight impaired, partially sighted, sight challenged, or whatever other euphemism you have up your sleeve! I'm blind! Blind. People need to stop being in denial about our blindness -- we're not in denial about our blindness. Use it nicely and proudly! BLIND.

they were being nice by using that term. funny how that works out, huh?
they were being nice by using that term. funny how that works out, huh?

no, jiro. when sighted people use any of the terms that nika mentioned, they are in denial and trying to be too pc for that matter.

as for what happened to me, what if a cab driver had been told that i was visually impaired and assumed i had enough residual vision to see his cab? i'd end up waiting forever for a cab because the driver refuses to come inside the building.

i'm blind and there's absolutely no shame in that.
That drives me nuts! I'm not visually impaired, visually challenged, sight impaired, partially sighted, sight challenged, or whatever other euphemism you have up your sleeve! I'm blind! Blind. People need to stop being in denial about our blindness -- we're not in denial about our blindness. Use it nicely and proudly! BLIND.

exactly, nika! well put! <applause>
I know that feeling. Sometimes, have you ever felt like wanting to bare a tshirt that says I'm BLIND, or I'm DEAF, I'm Hard of Hearing?

It may sound a bit powerful and unnecessary, and it certainly would attract some attention to your aura from the people around you.

What do you think?

We see plenty of other people wearing random shirts stating their views on things.

However, my peeve are those who disrespect anything in order to get such ideas across.
Pet peeve: People who discriminate based on age (e.g. thinking all younger people are stupid or all older people have gone senile.)
This one burns me everytime.

At work
Recieve email from coworker on another floor to call or come by ASAP.

I call back within a minute of getting the email and phone rings for ever with no answer.
