The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XI

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i am taking exam tmw and next week but i am dropping out of college for awhile.
I'm sorry I disappeared like that. I suddenly had to go to hospital, and spent about 4 or 5 days there. I'm finally back tonight. The doctors aren't sure what's wrong with me. They thought it was Crohn's Disease, but now they're not so sure. Now I'm home taking Ciprofloxacn and Metronidazol, and following a special diet until my symptoms subside. I can only say one more thing, and that is that one of the doctors told me that I would certainly have died had I not gone to hospital.
Hey y'all :) lolz i like posting lolz :) :lol: i am trying to get back here a lot but it is hard.
meg, dont drop out for too long, or else you' get back in , in other words, you' end up dropping out for real !, so be bloody careful ok
it might be what you need to "leave AD for a while" the opposite of what you thinking about ! waaaah !
meg, dont drop out for too long, or else you' get back in , in other words, you' end up dropping out for real !, so be bloody careful ok
it might be what you need to "leave AD for a while" the opposite of what you thinking about ! waaaah !

hahaha, i will be in Maine week from today O.O for 3 weeks and my counsler and i are already discussed this and agreed that it is hard but i have other interests so i am transferring to another college.
good luck for everything what you have, CrzyMeg. Take a easy and step at one time.
just having a nice cup of milo at 5:20AM here as i was woken up by my eyes haveing a burning sensation geee it was sore, so I used some 'tears drops'. So, "Good Morning All-Deafers!!" in the same tone as that famous Robin Williams's cheerful radio romp "Good Morning Vietnam!!" LOL
anything goes? alrite!!1 in that case i wanna say i can ascend my left testicle!!!
I was born and raised here in the DC metropolitan area and I can't stand the cold. I'm hoping to move to SoCal in the near future. Just before I leave, I'm going to ritualistically torch all my wool clothing. *cue evil laughter*

People tell me that the DC area's winters are mild to most of the NE states. I find them not too bad since moving here from AZ 8 years ago.

Maybe I got sick of the extremely blistering summers of Phx so the cold temps here in the DC area feel good to me! The summers here seem more brutal than the winters though.
im ready to chill for a weekend without any hectic.

Had lots of plans for this weekend but I may have to cut some of them due to being sick with a stomach virus today.
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