McCain suspends his campaign

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Baby blue... don't get me started.
A lot of his ads were taken down; one doesn't just snap one's fingers and it's done right now!

But a lot of ads taken down is hardly a suspension of his campaign.
It probably would have been more accurate to say that he is suspending his active campaigning, rather than his campaign has been suspended.
It probably would have been more accurate to say that he is suspending his active campaigning, rather than his campaign has been suspended.

Agreed. But his call was to suspend the campaign.
Currently, McCain is still a Senator, and that's his role. Political campaigning is not his role.

McCain was elected Senator, not campaigner. He gets paid to fulfill his senatorial duties. He isn't paid to campaign.

I agree completely. McCain and Obama are both US Senators..... their job right now is supposed to be hammering out something about this 'bailout' plan. I have been waiting for the debates for the last couple months, but I can wait a few more days for something of this magnitude. I think McCain is doing the right thing by going to do his job as a senator and postponing some of his campaigning during this crisis. It reinforces the opinion of putting the country first instead of his own agenda.

Obama should be doing that too instead of basically saying "they'll call me if they need me". That comes across as irresponsibility to me.
I agree completely. McCain and Obama are both US Senators..... their job right now is supposed to be hammering out something about this 'bailout' plan. I have been waiting for the debates for the last couple months, but I can wait a few more days for something of this magnitude. I think McCain is doing the right thing by going to do his job as a senator and postponing some of his campaigning during this crisis. It reinforces the opinion of putting the country first instead of his own agenda.

Obama should be doing that too instead of basically saying "they'll call me if they need me". That comes across as irresponsibility to me.

Or he is trying to introduce the idea that he is going to Washington to "save the day" :roll:

They already had a plan until he showed up and everything went....south.
Or he is trying to introduce the idea that he is going to Washington to "save the day" :roll:

They already had a plan until he showed up and everything went....south.

It would appear that even his own party is questioning the usefullness of his presence.
It would appear that even his own party is questioning the usefullness of his presence.


Now he is going to show up for tonigh'ts debate.

First it was, "I'm not going, now I'm going."

Gee......sounds like a 'flipper-flopper'.
I think the presence of Obama and McCain in the White House for the meeting with Bush and other congressmen is beneficial for both presidential candidates. Why? Because it will give them some ideas and experience in managing any major political crisis if either is elected as next President of the U.S.
The Republican Senate Majority speaker said that they didn't need both of them in D.C.

Whoa! You made a mistake.

The Democrats have controlled both the House and Senate; therefore, the Senate majority leader and House speaker are Democrat Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

It was Mr. Reid who said that McCain did not need to come there. Actually the Secretary of Treasury Mr. Paulson urged Senator Linsday Graham to as kcCain to come in to help convince the Republicans to support the $700 billions dollars bailout plan after only 4 out of the Republican congressmen raised their hand to show their support in the meeting room with him.

RealClearPolitics - Video Log - Schieffer Says Paulson Called for McCain's Involvement

Please be aware that the Newsbusters is a conservative website that tracks and shoot down the liberal news claims. I looked for an independent website and I could not find one.
Whoa! You made a mistake.

The Democrats have controlled both the House and Senate; therefore, the Senate majority leader and House speaker are Democrat Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

It was Mr. Reid who said that McCain did not need to come there. Actually the Secretary of Treasury Mr. Paulson urged Senator Linsday Graham to as kcCain to come in to help convince the Republicans to support the $700 billions dollars bailout plan after only 4 out of the Republican congressmen raised their hand to show their support in the meeting room with him.

RealClearPolitics - Video Log - Schieffer Says Paulson Called for McCain's Involvement

Schieffer: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout |

Mistakes happen from time to time.
royale yea you are right about democrate is take over both house and senate.. yup.. so i dont have to worrry about election this time.. i dont mind go for Republican
Actually it was John Boehner, Republican Miniority Speaker of the House, that had misgivings of McCain coming to Washington to fix this problem.....

This New York Times analysis lead perhaps sums up best McCain’s gambit. "McCain had intended to ride back into Washington on Thursday as a leader who had put aside presidential politics to help broker a solution to the financial crisis. Instead he found himself in the midst of a remarkable partisan showdown, lacking a clear public message for how to bring it to an end. At the bipartisan White House meeting that Mr. McCain had called for a day earlier, he sat silently for more than 40 minutes, more observer than leader, and then offered only a vague sense of where he stood, said people in the meeting.

More: "At the very least, Mr. McCain’s actions have shaken up the campaign and the negotiations over the bailout package. It has put him at center stage, permitted him to present himself as putting his country ahead of his campaign — a recurring theme of his candidacy — and put him on deck to, if not help orchestrate a deal, at least be associated with one. But Mr. McCain is certainly seeing the risks of making such a direct intervention. He now finds himself in the middle of an ideological war that pits conservative Republicans, loath to spending so much taxpayer money on Wall Street, against the Bush White House, which, with the support of Democrats and a sizable number of Republicans, sees a bailout package as essential to averting a potential economic disaster.”

While there is no doubt a middle ground, at the moment Mr. McCain finds himself between conservatives that he needs to keep on his side for the election … or being identified with the failure to complete a plan."

The AP has a similar story, which quotes many more folks criticizing McCain's role – and Republicans aren’t over the top in their praise. "Even the House's Republican leader, John Boehner of Ohio, passed up a chance to praise McCain's leadership powers shortly before the two met in the Capitol at midday Thursday. Asked by reporters if McCain could help win House Republican votes for the proposed package, Boehner shrugged and said, ‘Who knows?’”

“Boehner later said in a statement that McCain ‘has a vital role to play in this process, and he has a history of working together with both parties to make things happen.’ Other Republicans gave McCain more credit. ‘They got something done this morning only because McCain came back,’ said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. DeMint later called the administration's proposal ‘a trillion-dollar Band-Aid that does not contain a single item that will stimulate our economy.’”

The Los Angeles Times reports, "In a roller-coaster day of hopes raised and hopes dashed, efforts to negotiate a compromise on the $700-billion plan for rescuing the nation's financial system bogged down Thursday, with conservative Republicans denouncing the strategy as ill-conceived and Democrats accusing GOP presidential candidate John McCain of encouraging the revolt. What remained unclear was whether Thursday's breakdown marked the beginning of the end for the rescue effort, or merely a tumultuous interlude on the way to approving a federal bailout that many in Congress consider unpalatable but unavoidable."

The New York Times: "The day began with an agreement that Washington hoped would end the financial crisis that has gripped the nation. It dissolved into a verbal brawl in the Cabinet Room of the White House, urgent warnings from the president and pleas from a Treasury secretary who knelt before the House speaker and appealed for her support.”

“‘I didn’t know you were Catholic,” Ms. Pelosi said, a wry reference to Mr. Paulson’s kneeling, according to someone who observed the exchange. She went on: ‘It’s not me blowing this up, it’s the Republicans.’”

Mr. Paulson sighed. ‘I know. I know.’”

The New York Daily News: "John McCain rides in to save day -- and makes a mess."

The bailout: Judging McCain's role - First Read -
what time is the debate tonight?
Ironically, if McCain had ignored the financial crisis and focused only on campaigning, people would have criticized him for that.
Ironically, if McCain had ignored the financial crisis and focused only on campaigning, people would have criticized him for that.

indeed... that was my first thought. That would be called as "politicizing on it" which is usually looked down upon. It's funny people's first thought are a cop out.
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