Iraq: Stay or Leave?

Should we stay or should we go?

  • As long it takes, we stay

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Get hell out of Iraq

    Votes: 45 67.2%

  • Total voters
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I know that. It's Al Qaeda made an idea for attack on America. Remember I sent you a link of Path to 9/11 from 1993 when Bill Clinton became a president?

It was all started that Bush and Al were oil stock brokers a long time ago, and they broke the agreement that made Al so mad. He left and made the plans to attack our country. We never find this information on Google because the Gov't removed the database about his history and his stories when he was in the first term. yawn... I gotta to sleep.
My husband said, "Why you did read deaf site about this shit?" I said I admit that I read deaf people's bullshit about political. I suppose not to post it. I read everyone's posts are so retard! I don't mean to offensive you guys. I just face express because I disagree with you guys. I do support the troops! You're blame on Bush for send many troops for war. Nobody know about "Path to 911 from 1993" When is Bill Clinton was a president of US. He didn't do anything with terrorist. Now you see what happened to 9/11??? It was not Bush's faulted! Will you guys STOP bashing about TROOPS! :mad:

If you're not support the troops. That's YOUR PROBLEM! Troops is care about our country! I don't buy any deaf people with BS political! It's so retard! I am sorry for offensive! I am done it!

geez! Everyone is different and have different opinions. What's the big deal? If your hubby is saying that we are full of shit then that wasnt nice.
My husband said, "Why you did read deaf site about this shit?" I said I admit that I read deaf people's bullshit about political. I suppose not to post it. I read everyone's posts are so retard! I don't mean to offensive you guys. I just face express because I disagree with you guys. I do support the troops! You're blame on Bush for send many troops for war. Nobody know about "Path to 911 from 1993" When is Bill Clinton was a president of US. He didn't do anything with terrorist. Now you see what happened to 9/11??? It was not Bush's faulted! Will you guys STOP bashing about TROOPS! :mad:

If you're not support the troops. That's YOUR PROBLEM! Troops is care about our country! I don't buy any deaf people with BS political! It's so retard! I am sorry for offensive! I am done it!

Maybe, you ask Banjo. He knows the line of history. He is right. Actually, Clinton made a terrible mistake not to capture him, but he did not start the war and even there was no attack at that time. it was proof that Bush did it in the first place. He probably will explain it to you clearly than mine because I dried out to follow up the news.
geez! Everyone is different and have different opinions. What's the big deal? If your hubby is saying that we are full of shit then that wasnt nice.

Not very nice to call people "retard" either.
geez! Everyone is different and have different opinions. What's the big deal? If your hubby is saying that we are full of shit then that wasnt nice.

I am sorry. Not you! Because someone telling a bs about camofluage made in China. That's not TRUE! My husband said why I read everyone's different stories about political
Not very nice to call people "retard" either.

Yeah I admit. I'm pissed off @ Liberal people. I am sorry if you're liberal. I have to shut my mouth up! I don't like anyone made fun of TROOPS!
Well. I was there when I was in college and other place. I was so mad to see the China labels. I have thought about the old military clothes. But, I saw brand-new clothes.

I hate to have our troops there. I hate to think of someone who died for us. That's a big problem. They are supposed to be home and secure our country.

There was no proof that the Iraq had a nuclear weapon. Shame on Bush for misleading the information in the first place. He can't read the documents very well because Dick has to help him in a quiet office. Bush usually can read, but he did not do well in reading a formal political document. He is able to read baby books. He does trick us that it looks that he can read and sign the papers. I don't care what he does. All around the world labeled him a dumbest president in the U.S. history as a permanent. The Gov't Republicans know that, and they were shamed of him as it is too late that ruined our U.S. financial systems.

Yeah! Iraq have Nuclear Weapon in somewhere. I saw it on news and newspapers. The US troops found Nuclear Weapons in North Iraq. They put in bomb for a minutes and run away from the build before bomb. So Al Qaeda can't use it anymore. I'm enough to explain. I am tired of debate because you're liberal and have no idea what is going on! If you don't believe me. Go check it out by yourself.
Yeah I admit. I'm pissed off @ Liberal people. I am sorry if you're liberal. I have to shut my mouth up! I don't like anyone made fun of TROOPS!

Why are you pissed off at liberals? They aren't making fun of the troops. They are objecting to Bush's war.
the american soldier is supposed to defend america not fight wars on foreign soil example we had no business in veitnam, korea, ww2 it wasnt our problem iraq and iran have just as much right to nuclear power as anyone else, however if we are gonna send troops there how bout, bring back some oil, 4 bucks a gallon bites me in the a** hard. allrighty?
the american soldier is supposed to defend america not fight wars on foreign soil example we had no business in veitnam, korea, ww2 it wasnt our problem iraq and iran have just as much right to nuclear power as anyone else, however if we are gonna send troops there how bout, bring back some oil, 4 bucks a gallon bites me in the a** hard. allrighty?

No. Because in Israel need USA's help because Iran want to war against Israel. I can't explain this thread because it's part of religion situation. I don't want this thread move into religion forum. If you want to know what is going on. You can PM me. PM is right place.
No. Because in Israel need USA's help because Iran want to war against Israel. I can't explain this thread because it's part of religion situation. I don't want this thread move into religion forum. If you want to know what is going on. You can PM me. PM is right place.

Our military should not be participating in religious wars in other countries.
What does MIA or POW have to do with anyone making fun of the troops in this thread?

(sighing) No!

People made fun of troops and said hate troops go to Iraq and need to pull out. It's not finish the freedom of Iraq country. I do understand how is people's feeling about death numbers. Did you know in 60's? It's the worst than this 21 century. Because in 60's is largest of number death more than Iraq and Afghanistan. Saddam is in the hell now. I can see every Iraqi people are happy! They want their country to be freedom from dictator for many years.

I don't like terrorist to attack on our country again! Do you want to see all of us died by terrorist destroy our America???
(sighing) No!

People made fun of troops and said hate troops go to Iraq and need to pull out. It's not finish the freedom this country. I do understand how is people's feeling about death numbers. Did you know in 60's? It's the worst than this 21 century. Because in 60's is largest of number death more than Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't like terrorist to attack on our country again! Do you want to see all of us died by terrorist destroy our America???

People did not make fun of the troops. They have said the troops do not belong in Iraq, but that is an objection to the war itself, not the troops.

Our presence in Iraq and Iran will do nothing to decrease terrorism. To believe it will is naive.
People did not make fun of the troops. They have said the troops do not belong in Iraq, but that is an objection to the war itself, not the troops.

Our presence in Iraq and Iran will do nothing to decrease terrorism. To believe it will is naive.

That's your opinion.
Okay, I'm side with Pinky about the war and troops, as far as I know the US troops are winning the war; Never trust the medias.

Fox News are telling the truth about the war in positive way.
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