Which is better? Cure for prejudice or for deafness?

i always make sure someone treat me nicely. I dont care what people thinks about me especially when i am deaf/hearing impaired. If it was hearing person were ask if they were deaf and growing up deaf and were asked if they like to be cured. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG of being deaf. if they say a pill for cure for deaf. why not blindness? why not cancer? why not diseases? or whatever physical wrong with us human beings. They need to learn to accept people who are different. Sadly not all of them can do that.

true I believe it you are right! sound great I agree you!
Yes. I'm sure many people who ask this kind of questions, aren't satisified with themselves either. They are probably a bit short, fat, wrong skin color, wrong nationality, wrong class, wrong size of the nose, wrong job, wrong wife/husband, wrong habits and so on. They want a pill for that? Why not? It will improve their life, won't it.

No it will not. Because they cant accept who they are. People need accept who they are. if they cant obviously low self esteem. We are created perfection by HIM. Never bother me. We all have faults, flaws, bad habits, wrong whatever... you can name it. But we also need to learn to accept our lives as way it is. I got a purpose. So do you.
A pithy preacher said: The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart
pill for predjudice, because with pill for so called disbaility is about wiping out my expire personality, my personality, feelings are Deaf, I wouldnt kow what id be if i was Hearing from the start, like maybe id be more evil, more ignorant, more successful like my familt but the pain i endured wouldnt have brought my feelings, experiences to manifest the personality i have , i am as i am now...just a different way to look at the situation..
nice clever question by the way, a la Matrix question wherein i replied with a la back to the future answer (with the photograph as analogy)...

hello :)

Well, at my age, and being deaf for more than half my time on this planet, a "magic pill" to make me hearing again...no thank you!....Plus, I'm sort of an ol' warrior, fighting predjuice for many years.

Sure, I've "toyed" with the thought of an CI...but I'm not qualified, plus I've been deaf too long and it's my way of life. There will always be prejudice in our world. And I sincerely feel that I became deaf "for a reason", and only the man upstairs knows what the reason is....And perhaps he chose me to be one of his warriors/survivors in this quest. I'm quite happy that I'm not "like everybody else is"....(hearing). I'm "me."....Like it or not....

Not Qualified, how ?
Which Pill

OK. I see that maybe I wasn't clear enough in why I was asking this question.

My deafness has caused me plenty of misery and I have always wished for a magic pill that would get rid of it, making me the same as all the hearing people around me. But recently I had a eureka moment when I realized that what made me desperately unhappy wasn't my deafness, but how I had been treated by people. If I had been treated as an equal and not laughed at then I wouldn't have felt so awkward and rejected. If people had made an effort to communicate more clearly to me, then I wouldn't have felt excluded and alone. The insight is that it wasn't my deafness that made me unhappy, it was the audist attitudes of the people I encountered that made me miserable. So what I wish for now is for people to treat me with respect and as an equal.

The question asks what you see as the real root of the problem behind the unhappiness of many deaf people. Is it possible to argue that if everyone was hearing then there would be no discrimination or prejudice around deafness.

And it also asks an indirect question: Who's has the greater responsibility? Is it a deaf person who is unable to fix their hearing, or is it the lack of empathy in the other person? Where do you want people to focus their efforts - on increasing understanding, empathy and accommodating the differences; or on making everyone the same so we automatically understand each other?

You my dear friend are a wise man indeed. I feel exactly the same way except that i became deaf only 7 1/2 yrs ago. Give me the second pill , because like you, I too had an epiphany. I realized I am managing my deafness as well as I can and I would be happy if all predjudice could be erased. FOR EVERYONE...predjudice is always ugly and hate filled. I am fine with my deafness it has become a part of me, just as a leg or nose would be.
I have felt the sting of predjudice before I was deaf, as a child. If I could erase that for every child, every person, everywhere..laughing, the answer is so simple.. thank you for reminding me, my dear friend Mr.Smith, that I need to continue working towards, tolerance and compassion for everyone I meet. Peace to you, my very thoughtful friend...Midnight♥♥♥

"what's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?" (TY Elvis C)
Magic pills already exist-computer screens! How real???????????????????

Flip:not to project re deaf militants-not a official approved member -that I know of.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Wirelessly posted

I would take neither. The experiance and troubles in my life made me what I am today. Good or bad it is my life.

But if I have to choose a pill it would be the pill to end prejudice
You are offered two magic pills.

One pill will give you 100% hearing, but the people you meet through life remain unchanged in their various prejudices (racist, audist, reverse-audist [or "Deaf-ist"], sexist, etc.).

The other pill will make everyone you meet treat you nicely - as an equal and with respect - always ensuring that you are included in the group, communicating skilfully and accommodating your particular needs so you are never made to feel inferior.

Which pill would you choose?

Give me a humongous pile of prejudice pills and I will pour them down every drinking water tank. I'd bet that the crimes will go down fast. The jailers will be out of job.
Good one, AJWSmith! You have realized the same thing as I have years ago that it is the hearing people's perception on deafness is the problem not the deaf people.