The numbers game!!!!!


New Member
Jul 31, 2015
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Greetings, Denizens of the world! :wave:

Today as I write this post, I wish to play a game that never ends, or for as long as this website shall exist, this game shall continue to play on!:giggle:

So, without a further-a-do, I shall list the simplicity of this game!

[1).You are allowed to count, leaving one post, per number and I really hope no one thinks this is spam because it's not, lol!

2). Please don't get off track by playing this game. Play it as how it is supposed to be played, K? :cool2:

I will start the game by leaving the first comment with this number: "1"

The next user that comes into play with my game, shall leave the next comment "2", and so on and so on!

We will continuously count and count and count and we shall COUNT!:laugh2:

So, let's begin shall we and I thank everyone who participates in this game!
6.....I don't get it do you want a comment the the others not left a comment
@Calvin: However, my method is easier as trying to find pictures with something that contains 100 or 200 for example will even be rigorous for someone to even count so actually seeing the number is much easier, hehe! :D

@caz Well, not everyone will leave a numbered comment as they will probably leave a basic comment of such, lol but don't stress! The majority shall use numbers! :D

Oh and 7!!!!!!!

(poo-- tried to be creative and make a giant 15 with many little 1's and 5's...the leading space is what killed it.. or lack of it).
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