The numbers game!!!!!

I am not 19, going on 72.....
My favorite store:

19 I cant do it in binary or shop my comment is I still don't understand
I don't know if binary number correct only got dd word for it:)
Caz sorry for confusing you.

In the thread each post is the next number up.. we started with 1, the next post is 2, then 3 and so on.

I only got creative- my number was 20 so I decided to put it in binary.

In your case, since you posted right after Roxy did- she put 21, the number you would have posted would be 22.

Just look in the last post of the thread and post the next number after it. For example right now the last post for me is Mega's with 22 in in it.

So this post will be 23
29 is than binary
-In like terms, yes, is a mathematical way using a chart.


This may be a confusing image but not be mistaken, this is a mathematical pyramid form that uses iterations based on rules.

This number is 30!
31 yep that sort of math have me in mental institutation