Tauntings, ridiculings, being picked on in school


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Dec 20, 2003
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Tauntings, ridiculings and being picked on in school

It seems more and more kids have the sheer fun of picking on others who may not look normal, have a handicap (wheelchairs, conditions that makes it harder for someone to walk normally, deaf/hoh...etc...), overweight, dumb or retarded...the list goes on and on....

It's never a pleasant thing to go through by being picked on as I have had my share of it mainly through my junior-high school days...all because I was 'different' as I wore a hearing-aid with a cord that was visible...there were days that I wished I was 'normal', to fit in with the 'crowd'...some of the tauntings conflicted upon me sent me to the principal's office when I had done nothing but either something was placed or done right at a time when a teacher would turn around and catch and would think it was 'me'...or there were times in my first year in junior-high school that I hated lunch hour cuz no one wanted to sit by me or allow me to sit by them as I was too different...I had gone to an elementary school that had a program for hoh students like myself (which the school was in another part of the city), but when I went to junior-high school, this was a whole new ballgame for these students as they never seen or been around someone with a hearing loss...there have been so many instances that I could share, but time and space don't allow me to do so here....

I also realize that there are times when someone teases simply because others are doing it and that they want to 'fit' in with the crowd and be a part of the group no matter how it may be hurting the victim of the tauntings, the ridiculings can be very harsh and cruel and sometimes even the teasings might be considered not cruel, but to the person directed at, it may have a lasting affect on them....

For myself, as I have gone through numerous of these tauntings during my school days, even it wasn't a good thing to go through whatsoever, yet, it did help 'mold' my own character/being for who I am now today...and each time I see someone else in worse state than myself, my heart does go out to that particular person and I have been able to come across to that person just to let them know that they are special and human just like the rest of us and often times, it sure makes their day brighter!

But creating this thread is for each one of us to share any stories or difficult times when we have been picked on...and also, how can we be able to teach our children properly in ways they'll understand and know that it isn't nice to taunt (tease) others who may not be perfect or have such physical defects?
Yeah, I've been there -- I grew up a somewhat overweight kid through middle and high school at the residential deaf school. Kids can be quite cruel. Irony in this is all the kids who had taunted me about my weight all have changed and are much kinder to me...plus some of them have gained weight.
Kids will always be cruel to other kids during school. It's just part of life, I reckon.
I've always been bullied because I preferred to read books and understood the school lessons well - even got ahead of the class. Didn't hurt either that I was slightly overweight and were bespectacled. I was very naive because my parents have always sheltered me, and I've always been much of a loner throughout my childhood in my own world. I've been bullied by my father as well, never good enough for him. I've been in mainstreamed and res schools.. it's all the same. Nuff said. ;)

I tend to not focus on the past though, because I have a lot to be thankful for today - wonderful and unique friends and a darling husband that don't care I'm also different and that I have odd beliefs. :twisted:
I was always picked on when I was young. It was horrible. There was this guy who beat me up every day by giving me big hard punches mostly on the arms. I would have knots build up on my arm because of that. I couldn't even do anything because if I did report him, the school would suspend both of us, regardless of whose fault it is. :(
I was bully'em and invovled troublemaker too.. Includes sweet revenage peepz.. Enjoy to seeing they were turning into sour and piss'n off.. I love to see'em. I learned lot when I invovlved Adult.. whoa.. (interesting to getting more become better person who am I) I was thanked to Adult who taught me proprite way.. I felt alike that person who treat me very good simlair like Surrogate momma" My Adopt parents aren't undy how much I felt and emotions etc etc.. Glady that I was part of my closest Adult. btw, she is gone.. All in my heart memorial of her..
Anne Marie Issac 1965-1999 I do truly miss her.
I'd have to say that my Junior High days were the absolute worst. I was always mainstreamed, and a lot of my classmates weren't sure how to handle that. Really, I was just like they, only with a bad set of ears. I was tormented by this kid every day - the only ones who really befriended me were the mature ones, the bookworms, the smart ones who were brainy enough to see me as an equal and not one who was inferior. I went home crying more often than I did smiling - and going to school was something I fought my mother on, tooth and nail. I'd even had my hearing aid yanked out and thrown over my head and from classmate to classmate in the school yard. :/ I was asked to join clubs (nothing fancy...just clubs where you sit with a certain group of kids at lunch) just so people could throw me out for rumors I didn't tell. LOL. Eventually I made an effort to disappear during lunch time...I could usually be found in the library or hanging out in the hearing resource room doing some homework.

Kids can be so, so cruel. There is simply nothing anyone can do about that, though. I guess we can only pray that these kids eventually learn about what an impact their actions have on those who are less fortunate than they are.

That's all right, though. I do strongly believe that my being brutally teased has only made me a stronger person. I have more friends now than I ever did. I can safely say I have more deaf friends now than I did while I was a kid. One of my closest friends is disabled. I do not pity her, nor do I see her as "less fortunate," but only as I mentioned above - as my equal. It all boils down to what a person has "upstairs," if you ask me. I really and truly don't care if you're deaf, hearing, can walk, can't walk, have an extra limb or not - as long as you are a genuinely good person...

My seven year old is having some problems - he is a big boy for his age, but still is picked on. I'm not sure what the gist of it is, but he sometimes comes home stating that no one wants to be his friend. I'm guilty of thinking to myself, "well, it's elementary school...it'll pass...he's not going to remember any of these kids by the time he's my age." But ahhhh, deep down, I know, and I remember my own tormentors. In that case, it wouldn't make sense for me to tell him not to worry about it...but hugs do work...and plenty of chocolate pudding. :)
Wanna hear something weird about the bully who used to beat me up? Well, after those days when he was always beating me up... he eventually became an auto thief. He would steal cars and other things. When I entered high school and he had already graduated, I met him again in church. Instead of being a foot taller than I used to be, I'm now a foot taller than he is! He's now happily married with kids and is a teacher at church. :eek:
When I was in the deaf institution, I did not feel any "left out" feelings. I was not even being bullied at or bullying anyone. :dunno:

When I was in High School, I was a loner. :dunno:
IF you dont like the kids pick on your kids and dont get along with School board or counseling.. then what are you thinking??

MOVE your ASS.. .. Transfer your kids to different school..

That what I did.. after 3 long years suffering with the school with mishandling or proper needs.. and taunting, bully on my kids.. after i noticed their grades arent any improvements.. so I f*cked it..

last fall.. I transfer my kids to other school.. OMG!!! that school are excellent.. kids improved their grades and happy.. less complaining.. just little complained about kids being bully.. thats NORMAL.. bring home happiness.. that what i need..

:) I dont know why the parents just sit their fat ass and do nothing.. and complaining that their kids are not doing well or depressed or not improved.. its Parents JOB.. to do something with their kids.. if Kids dont like transfer.. TUFF sh*t.. dont want the conquences end up suffer with kids..

sorry.. i rant and bullied .. kick my ass ! hehe..
When I have grandchildren who stay home and use computer via internet for school time. I would said them "When I was your age. I go school!"
illustrator said:
When I have grandchildren who stay home and use computer via internet for school time. I would said them "When I was your age. I go school!"

"Daddy, what's 'school'?"
Oh yeah, I've been picked on in Jr High and even when I was in 9 th grade too...

I remember sitting at the lunch table and several students would threw food at me such as peas or any kind of vegetables and sometimes they would run me down in the hallway by bumping into me .....I remember running into the bathroom and shut the door and sat on the toliet lid and cried like a little girl....It wasn't easy being deaf and not alot of students know what it like to be someone like me who couldn't hear.....

I believe children needs to know that picking on someone could hurt others and that they wouldn't like it if someone did that to them....I think parents needs to step in and stop their children from being so cruel to others......that what I am doing to my children because I don't believe one child should get picked on no matter what ....

Btw, Good Thread Roadierunner! :ily:
Sure, Some cruel kids picked on me because I was too vulernable at that time. School buses, schools, after school activities...it went hell. Now, some of the kids who picked on me were fucked up and their names were on newspapers whereas I was still an angel. :nana: at jerks!!
*sigh* Looking back.

Yeah, I was like PurpleRose and others.

I was bullied at school because they knew I was smarter than them. And I love books which they did not understand.
You know it's not common to hear deaf kids enjoy reading.

Also teased for being overweight. *sigh*

My best years in school was in Grade 11 and 12 because no more bullying.

But was a bit of a loner in later years of Elementary and High School. :(

Oh well, what happened is past.

I just wish my school had a more stringent measures dealing with bullying
Miss-Delectable said:
*sigh* Looking back.

Yeah, I was like PurpleRose and others.

I was bullied at school because they knew I was smarter than them. And I love books which they did not understand.
You know it's not common to hear deaf kids enjoy reading.

Also teased for being overweight. *sigh*

My best years in school was in Grade 11 and 12 because no more bullying.

But was a bit of a loner in later years of Elementary and High School. :(

Oh well, what happened is past.

I just wish my school had a more stringent measures dealing with bullying

I recall a student using your name sign since it started with "S" and signed it out using the BJ sign... and you punched that student back. Didn't you?

Banjo said:
I recall a student using your name sign since it started with "S" and signed it out using the BJ sign... and you punched that student back. Didn't you?


Gee, thanks for bringing it up Banjo! :smash:

Um, I don't know if I did punch someone for using that terrible sign. But I did tip a bowl of french fries covered in something on Mikey Wikey :twisted:
Miss-Delectable said:
Gee, thanks for bringing it up Banjo! :smash:

Um, I don't know if I did punch someone for using that terrible sign. But I did tip a bowl of french fries covered in something on Mikey Wikey :twisted:

Yeah, that's right. It was Mike. :)