Question for those who wear hearing aids


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Another part of my research for the article I'm writing......for those of us who wear hearing aids, how do you pay for them?
The hearing aid I'm wearing right now... I've worn it for over 10 years. My dad got it for me. As for the second one I got for school... I got that 4 years ago and it stopped working during my first year. My VR paid for that one.
I always get hearinag aids by school when i was student, when I was out of school Gov't contuine pay for my hearing aids.
I'd have to pay for it myself but since I work so my VR pay for it...
My husband's benefit plan will cover a maximum of $750 per hearing aid, every 5 years.
after the last time I got hearing aids that Texas Rehabilitation Commisson (TRC) paid for it. I stop wear it for few years. I feel it's useless for me to not understand what or how to hear of certain what people are tried to tell me. Sure, it help me pay attention to who knock the door, car honk at someone, listen the telephone ring, etc.

What is the most painful about hearing aids is... TRC paid the cheaper hearing aids that isn't very comfortable for my inner ear. It hurt all the time. I give up and keep my head slient forever.
If I need to pay for hearing aids, it would be out of pocket or if I am working, VR might cover the costs.
The gov't pays for a certain amount of mine, and the rest is covered under healthcare or something. I know this coz i made a point to ask my mum the other day:D I'm 18 and have only had it for 3 years....i think i need to get a new one soon.....
Being Deaf IS an expensive past time isnt it??

Hearing aids are supplied by the government in Australia until you are age 21. And from then on, you have to buy your own hearing aids, but you can get basic repairs for free until the age of 25 years old. You have to buy your own batteries after the age of 21 as well.

There is health benefits for having a PRivate Medical Insurance, but they are aimed at old people who have hearing loss - (i.e. you cant get the benfits for hearing aids unless you also pay for coverage for hip replacements, eyes, and heart surgery, and other ridiculous things!)

I have recently bought two new pairs of hearing aids from my audiologist, at about 8000 Australian Dollars each, which is a HUGE amount of money. My audiologist convinced me that they would help me hear better - they are a pair of I-T-E Digital Hearign Aids, and B-T-E Digital Hearing Aids.

I am only 24, but I paid for them by a trust fund which was set up for me with money from when an Aunt died. Otherwise, I would NEVER have been able to afford these hearing aids.

I am currently back to using my old hearing aids that I got from the government "Australian Hearing Services", and I am not seeing that Audiologist anymore. He lied.

I grew up in Quebec where the gov't used to replace them for you every 5 years, then that became every 7 years, and now I believe that they only replace them if you can prove they're broken. Not sure.. that's what I vaguely remember. Living in Ontario now -- I believe that the gov't covers $500 of the cost per ear every certain # of years.
My Aunty wash my clothes, I forgot to take my hearing aid out of the jean's pocket, and it don't work after that (chuckle) !!

I only hear little bit eg dog bark, phone ringing and children's talking.

I was told my speech is different if I wore hearing aid! In Australia, I will pay battery out of my pocket. I do miss my hearing aid today!! $$$$