Michigan Smoking Ban is debating for restaurants and bars


New Member
Nov 3, 2005
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I am surprised that Clark is a sign language interpreter, that who her son
rushed to the hospital. I feel bad for him and his mother. :(
I hope Michigan will pass a better law for smoking-ban in restaurants, bars
and workplace.
toledoblade.com -- Michigan lawmakers debate smoking ban in bars, restaurants

I glad I live in Minnesota will be smoking ban on my 23rd birthday as
October 1, 2007! Hooray! It would be my wish come true! :fingersx:
oh cool. washington state banned smoking in any buildings on jan 8, 2006. I am happy I don't have to enter bars, restaurants filled with smoke in the air. the smokers are required to smoke 25 ft away from the buildings.
as a libertarian republican, i have a mixed feeling about this ban. while it's always enjoyable moments for me to watch hunger-for-lung-cancer smokers suffering from their inessential addiction in the smokefree public places, this ban goes against my libertarianism principles.
as a libertarian republican, i have a mixed feeling about this ban. while it's always enjoyable moments for me to watch hunger-for-lung-cancer smokers suffering from their inessential addiction in the smokefree public places, this ban goes against my libertarianism principles.

Yeah I am more libertarianism mixed with the green party too. My opinion about the smoking bans, it is actually up to the businesses, not the government's decision. If a bars decide to not want smoking in their area, then go for it. If they want smoking in their area, then go for it. Leave it be, don't make it so hard for civil rights.
Yeah I am more libertarianism mixed with the green party too. My opinion about the smoking bans, it is actually up to the businesses, not the government's decision. If a bars decide to not want smoking in their area, then go for it. If they want smoking in their area, then go for it. Leave it be, don't make it so hard for civil rights.

YES YES YES :gpost:

In a way, I am a self-hating smoker. I smoke maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, but I REFUSE to smell like smoke. I hate 2nd hand smoke, even my own. Going into restaurants and bars (state wide smoking ban set in CO a year ago) now can be a relief , but it's a shame to see so many small businesses go under because of this ban.

Bars, mostly, are suffering from this. If you OWN a business and a building, it (should be) up to YOU if you want to allow smoking. If there were non-smoking bars, then there will be smoking bars.

Then maybe all this :pissed: between the non and pro can STOP.
YES YES YES :gpost:

In a way, I am a self-hating smoker. I smoke maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, but I REFUSE to smell like smoke. I hate 2nd hand smoke, even my own. Going into restaurants and bars (state wide smoking ban set in CO a year ago) now can be a relief , but it's a shame to see so many small businesses go under because of this ban.

Bars, mostly, are suffering from this. If you OWN a business and a building, it (should be) up to YOU if you want to allow smoking. If there were non-smoking bars, then there will be smoking bars.

Then maybe all this :pissed: between the non and pro can STOP.

Yupp! I am with you on this. We need nonsmoker and smoker area BOTH. When I went to Japan, they have very good smoking restricted. For example, the airport in USA, there is no airport that have a room for smokers to go in and smoke, but Japan do! Almost everywhere in Japan, they have seperate rooms that allow smoking and a room for nonsmokers who don't want to be in secondhand. I like this law better than ours because our law on the smoking seems so inconvience for people, even nonsmokers too.
YES YES YES :gpost:

In a way, I am a self-hating smoker. I smoke maybe 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, but I REFUSE to smell like smoke. I hate 2nd hand smoke, even my own. Going into restaurants and bars (state wide smoking ban set in CO a year ago) now can be a relief , but it's a shame to see so many small businesses go under because of this ban.

Bars, mostly, are suffering from this. If you OWN a business and a building, it (should be) up to YOU if you want to allow smoking. If there were non-smoking bars, then there will be smoking bars.

Then maybe all this :pissed: between the non and pro can STOP.

Guess what?! If you like gambling, read this:
cbs4denver.com - New Anti-Smoking Casino Law Concerns Managers

I am happy for you are live in Colorado. And soon, there will be no smoking in
Minnesota on October, 1. But unfortunately, it will exempt for
tribal casinos-- ugh! I wish there would be no tribal casinos, just a commerical casinos are better that would be smoking ban, not by their federal
We enjoy taking our grandsons bowling. The smoking rules make a big difference to us which bowling lanes we go to.

The one closest to our house is the worst. They allow smoking. As soon as we open the doors, we all begin choking (and none of us has asthma or any respiratory diseases). It stinks, soooo bad. When we get home, we leave the bowling bags outside for several hours to "air out". We also spray with Febreeze to reduce the smell. Then, we have to take showers and put our clothing into the laundry. What a hassle!

We prefer the bowling lanes on the military base. That's where we go 90% of the time. It's further away (next town) but much cleaner (and cheaper per game). They don't allow any smoking inside the building. Ahhh, so nice!
So far I know California and New York state bans smoking in bars and taverns, Bar and tavern owners did complain and thinks it would hurt their business. Guess what, Their profit and business climbed after the ban! So, New York State, after a year of trial and decided to turn that ban into permanent!

Here in where I live, one hospital outlaw smoking on hospital's property, period! That includes outside on hospital property. That even if your standing waiting for bus on street curb and that falls on hospital property, you are not allowed to smoke. Cool!