Im starting to hate math.


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Sep 13, 2012
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whats your favorite subject when you in school? any level, elementary/middle/high school/college

Math always seemed easy until fractions came.

i think my favorite class was history :)
Auto repair. I wish I had paid more attention to auto repair classes when I was in high school. My high school career stunk because of this crap.
I love math ;) & Literature and English
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Always liked math and physics. Deformables was probably one of my favorites, because we got to figure out how much things bend before they break!
Geography and Computers. I hate math... I can do it, but I hate it.

"Oh, but it's fun making them work together!"
"Okay mom, go use the computer. It's fun making it do things for you!"
whats your favorite subject when you in school? any level, elementary/middle/high school/college

Math always seemed easy until fractions came.

i think my favorite class was history :)

Math is always problem if you don't understand something thoroughly.

Fractions are quite easy, but you have to understand them.

Why don't you get a tutor to have explained them to you until you get them completely?
Use visual aids if it will help you get it better.

Then practice doing fraction exercises as long as it takes to do it effortlessly.

Of course, in order to do that, you need to know your addition, subtracting, multiplication and dividing also without a hitch.

If you make just one tiny mistake in those, then you can't do fractions. Your entire calculation will go down the drain even if you move the fractions most proper way.

So - to summarize- in math - you must know the basic functions
add, subtract, multiply, divide
to PERFECTION and in your memory
before you attempt anything else.

btw I personally liked literature most..

Physics was my favorite. I enjoyed math too. Biology was interesting too. If I had my ADD under control when I was younger, I probably would have excelled in all those courses. English was not my favorite, but it was too easy for me.

Most people don't realize the importance of mathematics. The computer you are using to read this post was conceived by using advanced mathematics. The Apollo 13 mission was saved by a think tank of math & physics wizards.
English - at least for college

I used to hate math when I was in high school but not anymore.

and Psychology is worst course ever that I'm currently take. :ugh:
Science and Art History were great. English was hard but great fun when I understand with some help, and Maths was great fun, just repetitions gets boring...algebra and geometery was cool, i only wished they joined it with Physics at school, not some baby algebra....
art is godo only when you have a connecting teacher who teaches style and tricks of the trade, not some 'do all the same and lets see whos the best' bs...
Wirelessly posted

Social Studies and Geography were my favorites - I travelled a lot so I knew a lot more from personal experience than lot of the kids in my class so it was something I excelled in. I also liked information on people, culture and livelihoods and how various vocations operate and contribute to society.
Writing and History (depending on what time period.)

I've been writing stories since I was 8. English was good only if we were reading a book or reviewing/discussing old stories. I never liked the language arts portion of English. As for history, I like to learn about the 15th Century stuff more than recent political history. I had a history class talking about JFK stuff and Israel drama in the 90s and I was bored out of my mind. I want to talk about Victorians, Charlemagne, and Vlad the Impaler Great Ruler of Translyvania from like 14 century something (I think.) Point is, I like the old stuff, it's mysterious and romantic. The more recent political stuff is stiff and boring.

Math has always been mean to me. I'm right brained, math is left, we were born enemies. :lol: