HoH morning ears


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Aug 11, 2011
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I have another strange question, but then again - why stop now?

I have a harder time hearing in the morning. I call it "morning ears". I have to remind my husband that I have morning ears so he will repeat something he's said. It's like the sound doesn't quite make it into my brain.

Am I the only freak with this, or are there others?
Not so much in that sense but in the sense that I don't have my hearing aids in. Happened this morning when my boyfriend came home early (I thought he had class but it was cancelled) and I didn't have my aids in and he scared the crap out of me lol Other than that no.. Maybe its your brain trying to start working again. MY BRAIN is definitely slow in the morning :)
Yeah, I can see that. I don't wear my HAs around the house much. But I'm not high functioning in the morning either.
I have an issue lipreading in the morning, for at least 20 minutes after I get up... but I'm pretty sure thats just because my brain says that it would still like to be sleeping.
I'm the same way. Nothing registers with me before 5:00 am.
There's no life or conversation before coffee for me....I do have a problem in the AM upon awakening....just splash some cold water in my face, then it gets better...Feel everybody is groggy and sluggish after a night of slumber...

I just mumble and say..."huh?...or "yeah"...or "OK"...."love you too"...."have a good day"....etc., etc., and not knowing what the heck they are saying....
I do better with my hearing aid, but nowadays, I have lipreading issues in the morning and late enough at night. God. Especially when my roommate Ryan talks to me because his enunciation is atrocious. Thank God my boyfriend Alan has near perfect enunciation.
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I have an issue lipreading in the morning, for at least 20 minutes after I get up... but I'm pretty sure thats just because my brain says that it would still like to be sleeping.

Me too!!!!
Haha, you should tell them,

"Sorry my eyes are still sleeping so I won't be able to 'hear' you." :lol:
I am one of the lucky ones. When I get up, no matter how early, I am usually bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and rip-roaring ready to go. It's in late afternoon that I start to slow down and begin to have problems. Anytime after 7pm, forget it, I can't read lips and am not fit for company usually.
I am one of the lucky ones. When I get up, no matter how early, I am usually bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and rip-roaring ready to go. It's in late afternoon that I start to slow down and begin to have problems. Anytime after 7pm, forget it, I can't read lips and am not fit for company usually.

Sounds like you are an early bird!
Sounds like you are an early bird!

not really - first time up at 5 then for the day at either 7 or 8. I just don't sleep well, and that's why I get tired early. I am awakened 4-6 times a night.
not really - first time up at 5 then for the day at either 7 or 8. I just don't sleep well, and that's why I get tired early. I am awakened 4-6 times a night.

I also have problems sleeping, but once I'm up, I'm up. I have been known to go 2-3 days without sleep, or well what one might call sleep. I usually just lay in bed and just flip and flop all night with no real 'rest'. Sometimes I might get 3 hours of sleep over 4 days. I'm not sure when this started. I just know it's been a problem for a while.

I wish I could sleep as soundly as my DD. Once she's out, she's difficult to wake up. That's what I call a deep restful sleep.
^^^I sleep like the dead most nights. I seem to sleep especially hard in the mornings, though. To me, getting up early is 8:00!
^^^I sleep like the dead most nights. I seem to sleep especially hard in the mornings, though. To me, getting up early is 8:00!

For me, anything before 4:30ish is early. I got used to being up early when I worked at PJP and I had to be on the line at 5:30 am every morning.
Oooooh..this happen to me all the time... eh.. morning ears... it's more of morning eyes....When ever I get up in the morning... I get slobbery face mark... by this darn great dane... You know he's very tall, his head easily reach over my face, and as soon you open one eye... there a drools hanging just right above my eye lid.... half inch between the end of the drool and my eye lid... swinging back and forth and everywhere... then next my wife... she was signing to me.... with my full of slobs on my face... I just simply nodded...waving my hand "go away, I got it"..then 20 minutes later... my dog sit looking at me happy and my wife say..."Have a great day!! I love you hon!" Sigh... great way to wake up every morning...
OK, that isn't quite what I had in mind... but it's funny!

So, if a great dane drooled in my ears....?
Healing powers! I can put up with a big "eeew" factor if Great Dane drool has healing powers.