HoH morning ears

Healing powers! I can put up with a big "eeew" factor if Great Dane drool has healing powers.

You will only know for sure if you try it! ;)
My hearing seems to fluctuate. Somedays, it seems like I'm catching more words and picking up on conversation better, and other days, I can't seem to hear anything intelligible. If I'm tired, it definitely affects my ability to put together all the clues that I use to understand hearies. I have a working theory that my diet seems to affect it too (affects the brain?). No real idea though. Morning hearing? I don't think I have that every day, but probably best not to communicate with me while I'm still trying to wake up. :lol:
Aw forget it...l forgot what my witty comment was going to be. I think I peed after reading sneaker net's post! Or is that electronic computer generated great dane drool. I am still chuckling!
Really, I hate it. When Obie (my dog name) first wake up in the morning, he goes out to his 3 gallons bowl of water, slurping up. As soon he finish with it, you just can imagine how slobbery, all this massive drools dripping all over the floor heading back to our bedroom and want to wake me up cuz he want to go outside (I'm having problem with door lately, he usually opened the door by himself but now... door knob is gone..crunched).
Then at the same time....my wife... in the middle of my nightmare on my face? She know that Obie make a mess on my face, since she got used to it and start talking to me while I'm in a pissy/yucky mood... It's NOT a great way to wake up in the morning!! You know..she keep saying.. "Don't forget about the plan today, don't forget to take care of this later today, did you make coffee... and on and on... then after that... they all smiling, wagging and saying good bye.....
It isn't just my ears that do not function in the morning. It is my whole body. :giggle: I am not a morning person at all. I do not even put my hearing aids on til I am ready, since sounds and noises are the most annoying in the AM.
I am always up first. So it's just me and the dogs. I don't need to communicate in any human language in the morning. :)
^^^Grunt... scratch... pee. Repeat.

I am always up first. So it's just me and the dogs. I don't need to communicate in any human language in the morning. :)

Same here.
The morning routine here is: I wake up, greet the dogs, top off their food & water bowls, get myself an ice tea and usually fire up the pc to read my email & news of the day. And when my wife wakes up, Angel our Eski, barks up a storm in celebration, letting me know I can put in my hearing aid. :)
I have to do morning since I have morning classes, but until I have my coffee I don't just have morning ears I have morning everything. It's like the sign at the zoo, "Don't feed the bears"...that's me in a nutshell in the morning without my coffee. Ironic thing is it's decaf.:lol: