Hi...just found you guys!


New Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Greetings! How lovely to find a group such as this!!

I'm hoh and use hearing aids. In school I used an FM system and relied heavily on lip reading. Now I'm a school teacher and enjoy incorporating sign language into my lessons! Kids and parents think it's fantastic! I just love sitting in the gym watching an assembly and watching other teachers climb over their students to get to their noisy student who just happens to be sitting in the middle of the pack!! My noisy students just have to look in my direction and I sign to them that this is not the time or the place...all behaviours stop! It's great!

Any deaf/hoh runners out there? I've just begun running and have some questions regarding safety!

Enjoy your day!
hey, welcome to AD and make yourself at home

I use an FM system 2 and wear hearing aids :D
Hello, Hearsnoevil and welcome to Alldeaf where we engage in a lot of subjects. Have fun seeking out those threads that might catch your fancy.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: