Employment Work Sign language survival paper

Dodge Trucker

New Member
Feb 16, 2005
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Hi there!! If this is in the wrong forum...please move it to the correct forum. Much apologies in advance. Thanks!!

My wife just recently moved/transferred to a new department and the folks in there are pretty young and they're very patient with my wife who is deaf, by the way.

Her superior supervisor asked her if there was a work survival sign language sheet some where on the net that she could print off for her supervisor and other colleagues/co-workers could learn to just survive. I've looked EVERYWHERE...or I am not looking hard enough

Is there a printable sheet with the basic office sign language sheet I could print? It would be things like...yes..no..bathroom..water..lunch..paper..pen........and also colors if possible.

you know..basic office sign language.

Can any one steer me in the right direction and help a fellow out?? Thanks so much in advance!
I don't know of anything that is online, but there is a really good phrase book on the market that has basic survival type phrases in it. Perhaps your wife's employer would be willing to invest in one. They are under $20.00.
I think it depends how many coworkers she has to be in contact with. If its only 10-15 people, maybe just teaching those individually some work affiliated signs. Picture descriptive sign books or papers do a cruddy job describing hand movement, palm orientations, gesture expression etc.