Blind or deaf?

the word "Hearing-impaired" is misleading -- i got the definition of it from --

hear·ing-im·paired (hîrng-m-pârd)
Having a diminished or defective sense of hearing, but not deaf; hard of hearing.
Completely incapable of hearing; deaf.

the word "Deaf" --

deaf ( P ) Pronunciation Key (df)
adj. deaf·er, deaf·est
Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing.
Deaf Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture.
Unwilling or refusing to listen; heedless: was deaf to our objections.

n. (used with a pl. verb)
Deaf people considered as a group. Used with the.
Deaf The community of deaf people who use American Sign Language as a primary means of communication. Used with the.

so to me the word "Deaf" would be a TON better use of describing me over the term of "hearing impaired"
I think DEAF is better option.With some means deaf can listen little sound or feel high vibrations but blind has no choice to see the world. :wave:
Although I'd instantly say I'd prefer to be deaf, I do keep something in mind. I didnt go profoundly deaf until I was 17 (3 months short of 18) I know what it's like to hear, and thats my bias. Everyday I wish I could hear the little things. But thats not the point. My interpreter told me a phrase that really hit home with me.

"Blindess separates people from things, deafness separates people from people." - Helen Keller.

Now, I know she was alone in her disability, but by being both, she understood what it was like to be outcast and what not. I just like to think that my relationships (some personal but mostly professional) might be better if I could hear, but not necessarily if I was blind. It's a difficult choice, no one can really pick which without being biased. Dont you think?
Well Pinkster, you're late-deafened. I can understand your POV. On the flip side, I grew up wanting to be hearing. I actually underwent surgery (born with no earcanals or eardrums) and it did improve my hearing slightly in my left ear which was awesome....however in retrospect, I wish I hadn't opted for the surgery. I like being able to hear, but at the same time, I wish that I was still deaf. I mean I know it's a shock for hearing people to wake up to sudden hearing loss, but on the other hand wouldn't it be equally a shock for dhh people to wake up as a hearing person?
What sense we lack, we always make up for that in our other senses so it doesnt matter what I lack as long as I know that I will be forever compensated in other senses.
Yes......Bahan has said that we should not see ourselves as "hearing impaired", rather as "Seeing" people, that is people who idnentify strongly as posessing a Visual culture. I quite agree....I remmy a few years ago research indicated that dhh people's brains were wired differently from hearing people's (we use the hearing part of the brain for vision) I've also been told that I have the vision of a hawk, and although I am very hearing (to the point where i"m a n aural/auditory learner) I still feel more "seeing"/visual then your average hearing person.
ravensteve1961 said:
If you had a choice which you rather be? Blind or deaf?
I rather be blind,,So i can hear conversations,music,radio and other beauty of sound.

I have a good friend, he used to be hearing, and can see... He told me that he was glad that he lost his hear first before his eyes because he could see everything instead of hear... Right now, he is full deaf and full blind, he is only 24 yrs old ane he is attend to NTID right now.. Im proud of him and he dont care to being blind or deaf.. He said just accept who you are which someone creation you and such like that.. He accept who he is right now and I accept who I am, I dont care if IM hearing or deaf or hard of hearing or blind... Just accept who you are.. Thats what my friend told me and I understood what he mean and glad that Im deaf for some reasons in my life and I will find what it is... I hope it helps... *grins* Have a good night.
Going Deaf ...I'm okay with it


I thought I might say I'm going deaf, but I'm cool with it. I mean I am who I am. I mean I dont feel like dancing in the streets about it all the time, but I'm not ashamed or anything. Some days I'm frustrated, and somedays I'm sad, and most days I am totally fine. I can still go into science, go to a great college etc etc. I wouldn't change a thing about me. Except I want my ITE's to come in purple! (Do you Hear me Phonak Do you??) I personally do not want a CI, though I have no problems with people who do. It's a personal decision.
Being Deaf is a just a different way of being. I have a friend who is blind, another who is paralyzed. We are all pretty cool. To quote an old book I found in a library once called Free to be You and Me "my biggest problem is other people's minds" .

Just my two bits
ravensteve1961 said:
If you had a choice which you rather be? Blind or deaf?
I rather be blind,,So i can hear conversations,music,radio and other beauty of sound.

of course being .....

cuz being blind you cant see the world as i love to travel, take pictures, sightsee, shop for nice things, etc.. or the opposite sex's organ!! :naughty:
Deaf...... Eyes "n" Hands that they use alot often..

Blind... Hands "n" Hear they use alot often

Blind and Deaf have the feeling viberations

Blind can hear

Deaf can't

Deaf/Blind the worst.. but has MORE feeling viberations

I don't see any of compares.. I believe Deaf and Blind has some suffers in our lifes * no offnense for hearing*

The reason why im saying...

Blind devices are SOOOOOOOO epensive than Deaf devices..

Hearing people only can buy smoke dector, telephones, whatever is that it's just under of 100.00 bucks

I would choose Deaf, Becuase they have MORE choices for themself.. but I believe Blind do have some choices to enjoy themself.. I know it's has little limitons

for exmaple.. Charles Ray is blind.. he's a famous piano He can do with his own best.
Me being a hearie, if I was to choose, I would choose to be Deaf. I grew up with a Blind cousin, and he needed alot of help in school. Deaf person needs a terp for when a teacher talks. Blind person needs to know everything written on a board, have all the papers translated back and forth, and needs help getting around the building...and that is just starting.

If I was to become Deaf, yes, I would miss music and some other sounds. But, if I lost my sight, I would lose the ability to do my photography, watching football and racing, enjoy the outdoor scenery, etc etc.

This is just a sample of my opinion.
Fly Free said:
OMG zesty!!!!! u :twisted: girl!!!!!!

i TOO want to be able to see the same sex's organ as well :naughty: :twisted:

snip!?? sheesh!! u :twisted: girl!!

i could never do that cuz i love THEM!! :naughty:

i wasnt talking about you!! MIND U!! :twisted:
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prostock19 said:
Me being a hearie, if I was to choose, I would choose to be Deaf. I grew up with a Blind cousin, and he needed alot of help in school. Deaf person needs a terp for when a teacher talks. Blind person needs to know everything written on a board, have all the papers translated back and forth, and needs help getting around the building...and that is just starting.

If I was to become Deaf, yes, I would miss music and some other sounds. But, if I lost my sight, I would lose the ability to do my photography, watching football and racing, enjoy the outdoor scenery, etc etc.

This is just a sample of my opinion.

way to go PRO69!! :rofl:
I rather be deaf than blind.

easier to survive than being blind, no offense.

facts about deaf and blind people:

most deaf people live longer than hearing people.

most deaf people see better than hearing people.

most blind people have better smelling senses than deaf and hearing people do.

most blind people live longer than hearing people.

most blind people hear better than hearing people do.

both deaf and blind feel vibrations better than hearing people do.

Some blind people can almost "see" things when they hear things pretty loudly...(ever seen "DareDevil"? it's possible...) :D
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ravensteve1961 said:
If you had a choice which you rather be? Blind or deaf?
I rather be blind,,So i can hear conversations,music,radio and other beauty of sound.

I'd stick with deaf. So, of course I would need my eyes to be able to see.
I agree with Willy....

I rather to being DEAF! so I could able to see the whole world
I would rather be deaf than blind....

I personally knew a couple of blind people at work years ago...they were proofreaders in a Braille company (I was a data entry operator there). Blind people do get married (there was a married blind couple there), have kids, etc. Most blind people do have some to little light reception, but only a very few are totally blind....just like the deaf...very few are totally deaf (100%).
My great-grandmother was blind from glaucoma, but she used to listen to books on tape, she finds her way through her trailer by herself, she used her thumb in a cup to let her know when to stop filling up her drink, and I was told that she sewed some without sight, etc.
My deaf high school teacher told me once that he had a student that is visually-impaired and this student DRIVES!! :) It depends on how much the person can see to drive safely. :)
This is a very interesting thread. :)
