You wont beleive this one!! School related.


New Member
Dec 28, 2005
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We have contacted and are working with the civil rights commission regarding Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA becuase they did not accomodate my husbands hearing loss.

They claim that my husband is NOT disabled becuase he can hear with hearing aids up to 50% of what is being said!!!!!

Do those of you have sign language interpretors or note takers at school??

I use a cochlear implant and have the equivalent of superhearing at near zero decibels according to my audiogram. My brain still has a lot of learning to do, however.

I have never, ever had a problem with reasonable accommodation in my academic and professional careers. I did work for a firm once that didn't want to hire an interpreter for a very understandable reason. We worked out another solution and all was fine.

I am sorry that that happened to you. Let's hope you kick real butt. ;) :fingersx: