You might be a kansan if


New Member
Sep 13, 2009
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You can tell the difference between a horse and a cow from adistance.

Without thinking you wave to all on-coming traffic.

You don't put too much effort into hairstyles due to wind and weather.

There's a tornado warning and the whole town is outside watching for it.

You don't buy all your vegetables at the grocery store.

You go to the State Fair for you family vacation.

You get up at 5:30a.m. and go down to the coffee shop.

You have the number of the Co-op on speed dial.

All your radio preset buttons are country.

You spend hours trying to find the cheapest room rates when going out
of town.

Using the elevator involves a wheat truck.

You know you should listen to the weather forecast before picking out
an out-fit.

Your excuse for getting out of school is that the cows got out.

You know cow pies aren't made of beef.

You wake up when it's dark and go to bed when its light.

You listen to Paul Harvey every day at noon.

You know it's just a farmer working in his field and not a UFO.

You know the difference between field corn and sweet corn when its
still on the stalk.

You can eat an ear of corn with no utensil in under 20 seconds.

You wear your boots to church.

It takes only 30 seconds to reach you destination and it's clear
across town.

True Love - is riding in the tractor with him.

She thinks your tractor is sexy.

You go to Wal-mart for your Saturday outing.

You know what it's like as a child to sit and pray for the radio to
announce school closings due to heat or snow.

You know the different pronunciation of Arkansas when talking about
the state or the river.

Your main drag in town is two blocks long.

You defend the beauty of being able to see the next town and it's 10
miles away.