you know ...


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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instead of everyone making a ask me anything thread ( although they are interesting and sometimes funny) why don't we all just tell everyone about ourselves .. just a suggestion. Anyways I'll tell everyone about myself.

I lived in michigan my whole life practically in nowhere ville in the suburbs of detroit. I love pancakes , my mom is a health nut so i suffer from not having junk food. I live and breathe music, its my therapy .. I love silverchair (if its not obvious since daniel johns is the frontman) ,and charlotte martin. well their the two artist i mostly listen too. I prefer the city over paradise ,but I prefer the country over the city because i like my solitude. I write songs, paint, and play the piano. I believe in God and i don't care what bible is accuratly correct as long as i believe in God thats all that matters me. I don't smoke nor drink ... plus I can't since i take medication even if i didn't I still wouldn't. I don't care if I hang out with people who do because its their choice and im not going to judge them. I think normal people are boring especailly people who only answer to one word when im talking to them. I love guys who have shaggy messy hair and guys who don't give a shit about clothing brands or dressing nice. Most of my friends have blonde hair so i'm practically the only brunette "the different one" as the label me especially since i have different taste in music and guys than them. I have and older sister and brother. i love basket ball and hockey. my dream career would to be a singer, but i have decided to be a dog groomer because i love dogs.. I was going to be vet .. but i realized i would be able to take the surgerys ,and putting the animals to sleep. I have a boxer named sage, and cat named shakespeare but i call him shakes. i also like to watch movies my stupid vcr ate my one of my favorite movies the client :madfawk: i was so pissed ,but i'll be ok i also like kevin smith movies, dazed and confused, empire records. thats all i can think of at moment .. what about you?
Nice to meet you Ella! :wave:

I have been considered to be a vet-- or just a vet's aide, but my husband said to me, "What will happen when you have to deal with an animal dying that you cannot save?" I cringed at that thought... I cried everytime I watched "Animal Cops" because it just hurt me to think that there are people that are treating their OWN pets CRUEL... I cannot imagine what they think-- that it was okay for them to set their cat on fire, pull the leash on their puppy as if it was a ragdoll... so if I cry at the TV show, what will happen when I am in the SAME room as those animals being delivered to Emergency Room at the animal hospital? I will have a nervous breakdown and no psychological course will help me dissociate myself from the animals.

I used to like Empire Records when I was younger. I didn't care that it had the rating of just one out of four stars. I don't exactly have any favourite movie. I like the Matrix. Its philosophy just boogles my mind. The Mothman Prophecies scared me silly. Right now I am wandering in and out of the "I Heart Huckabees"... I am having a hard time to keep my attention span for a movie. I don't go to movie theatres anymore. I cannot keep a conversation topic about movies at a party because I have no idea what is "new" at the box. But there is an expection-- I do look forward to "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy"... I am saving the movie for my husband to watch with another couple when one person starts his home-confinement sentence (yes I do hang out with white-collar criminals :) ) so we can spend time at their aparement to keep his social life thriving. The last movie I watched in the movie theatre was Lord of The Ring: Return of the King (the third movie) with my husband (back then he was my 4-5 months boyfriend). I sure saved myself a LOT of money by not going to the theatres and waited for it to be released on my mommy's cable. ;) A movie ticket is worth 10bucks now... I remembered it was just 6 bucks! Everything is skyrocketing and nobody is making any MORE money than they already are! This supply-and-demand equilibrium is WAY off...

Anyway. I think that is enough about me. I didn't get to the whole part of the big M-E, but ach. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon and make the "ask me!" thread... but I liked yours because it is... DIFFERENT. :) Don't wait for somebody to ask you questions. BLAB AWAY ALREADY!
:applause: for being an original!
hi :ty: !!
ok, i am now living in new york...moved here from miami .... lost my hearing from meniere's..i got married last year to a fabu hearing man who is now taking sign wth me.
i love 80' movies :O) i used to love depeche mode - all that fun new wave music ..heee heeeee - i miss it lots. movies are great....& all the snax that go with them! fav movie of all time - 5th element. :) .
that is all way too much for me to read. i like the question and answer better.
I am a Report Specialist at the local courthouse....I work in the Traffic/Misdemeanor Department, working with supeonas, fingerprints, courthouse mail, and a couple of other duties. I have worked there for almost 3 years, and I enjoy my job. :)
I am profoundly deaf in left ear, and severely deaf in right ear - I wear a SUMO E BTE for right ear. I have lost a lot of my hearing at age 2 years old from bacterial meningitis. I am also a Rubella baby which only gave me a heart defect, and it kind of stunted my growth a bit.
I enjoy camping, movies (especially from the 1930s to 1960s), surfing the net, 1950s, and early 1980s music. :)
My favorite movies are:
"The Miracle Worker" (w/Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke)
"That Darn Cat" (w/Haley Mills)
"The Apartment" (w/Jack Lemmon)
"Some Like It Hot" (w/Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon)
"Phantom of the Opera" (w/Lon Chaney - yes, this is a silent movie but for some reason, I like it -- perhaps the scenes where the two guys were looking for Christine?).
...and I have seen many Tom Hanks movies ("Castaways", "You Got Mail", "Saving Private Ryan", "Turner and Hooch", "Apollos 13", etc.)....he's a fantastic actor!! :)
I have worked with those who are blind in the past in a Braille printing place....I was one of thier data entry operators tying up magazines and books in a computer, then putting in codes so they will translate into Braille. I also helped put Braille books together (as FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND) as an extra helper during the Christmas time as overtime so we could have a week off around Christmas. :)
Well, that's enough about me. :)
shashi said:
hi :ty: !!
ok, i am now living in new york...moved here from miami .... lost my hearing from meniere's..i got married last year to a fabu hearing man who is now taking sign wth me.
i love 80' movies :O) i used to love depeche mode - all that fun new wave music ..heee heeeee - i miss it lots. movies are great....& all the snax that go with them! fav movie of all time - 5th element. :) .
.. whats menieres sorry im stupid.. is it like a condition?