you did before eat gorilla?


go roll#17

do you like eat for gorilla ? my father did eat gorilla, he said that good taste sweet
Gorillas are endangered. Therefore, it might be illegal to eat gorilla meat.

I wouldn't do it.
I dont mind eating any kind of animals. I hear in Europe, they are selling horse meat. In New Orlean, they sell alligator sausage. One time in Rochester at RIT, they sold ostriche burger.
Nooooooooooo! Not gorilla meat! Leave those critters alone!
ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO not eat grorilla!!!!!!! I would PISSED OFF!!! I love apes, grorilla and monkeys! very much that I am crazy over any kind of monkeys. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

whoever eat groilla :rl: <-------- DeafMonkey
Arghhhh dont want to hear it .. I wish CLOSE THIS THREAD!!!! :locked: ! dont bashing over me ok thanks ..

poor Gorilla :(
Sometimes you have no control of certain animals being mistreated for food. You just have to worry about yourself and survive.
me gasp. i'll NEVER eat gorilla. it's really disgusting to hear this.
I would eat gorilla's favorite food - banana.

But not just gorilla's body, heard their meats are in mcdonalds right now! :mrgreen:

:applause: to deafmonkey - she just vomited after reading my post :applause:
I would eat gorilla's favorite food - banana.

But not just gorilla's body, heard their meats are in mcdonalds right now! :mrgreen:

:applause: to deafmonkey - she just vomited after reading my post :applause:

dont want to hear it .. banana is fruit! I love it but not meat! grrrr
There is a diffy between dying of old age, and dying of a disease.
Gorilla meat? What a gross! Leave gorilla only, not kill them!!!!!