yes im copycat, just ask me anything :)

lol worship u... and u better not throw a snowball at me :) it sure is pretty outside tho. i might roll ya up and make ya into a snowman . *hugs ya cause u like it*
woot! hey sleepytaz...pssst.. wanna help me and pull riviera into snow? or bomb him with our oh so mighty snowballs ?? hehehhe

or better yet... lets stuff snow under his shirt and pants? yeaaaaaa good idea!!!!!!!

riviera will be like this :cold: heheheheh we better put on our running shoes lol
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<-----pulls out gatlin snowball launcher and ties scarf on head...

um why does Taylor wanna know if spice and me plan to marry -_- ?
SpiceHD said:
woot! hey sleepytaz...pssst.. wanna help me and pull riviera into snow? or bomb him with our oh so mighty snowballs ?? hehehhe

or better yet... lets stuff snow under his shirt and pants? yeaaaaaa good idea!!!!!!!

riviera will be like this :cold: heheheheh we better put on our running shoes lol

lol lol sure! woo hoo woo hoo ;)
that was a joke from taylor's friend i think taylor didnt even know about it and sent me apology email :)
<---pulls out a huge cannon filled with big snowballs... it is pointed straight at riviera :)

sleepytaz... LIGHT HER UP!
WOOT 4 inches of snow and its STILL snowing!? yayyayayay

be careful parking lot is not plowed yet o.O

anyway.. back to topic... any questions u guys wanna ask me? *grins*

*began to bounce around*
I see u are a fan of HD by ur handle name and website.

Are you a member of any HD group?

Thinking about own a HD motorcycle. If so, what kind of model.
Malfoyish said:
Hi Spicygal. :)

Here's one -

Do you believe that things happen for a reason? If so, can you give an example of something that has happened either to you or around you that has made you look at life a bit differently? :)

Also... check this out when ya get a chance -

Ciao ;)

yes i alway have believe things happens for a reason whatever if u like it or not

as for example.. there are many of them... one of them is mother's death when i was 14. after i dealt wiht the fact that mom died for real... i discovered no one else was there for me.. not even my dad who was trying to drown his pain in beer or alochol, and everybody else was trying to deal with their own pain in their own way. so i kinda had to deal with many shitty things wiht no break in between. Results... it made me become more stronger or i believe so. it also made me become very caring person even though iwasnt at all in high school. thats the biggest example i could think of. Also i believe things happen in chain... i mean if my mom havent died... that means i wouldnt be going to deaf school.. that means i wouldnt be homeless.. that means i wouldnt experience terrible things and would make me uncaring person and probably end up biggest bitch u ever met? it doesnt have to be that way but its just an example again... just trying to make a tiny point :)
Lasza said:
I see u are a fan of HD by ur handle name and website.

Are you a member of any HD group?

Thinking about own a HD motorcycle. If so, what kind of model.

yes i alway been sooo crazy about harley davidson. but im not in any group yet.. doesnt even own a motorcycle..

and definitely yes i m thinking of owning a hd motorcycle... either softail or fatboy both are low seats since im short but im not sure about how much CC i can handle... i think i can handle at least up to 600 CC but again i havent own any motorcycle doesnt have license so im kinda learning about them. who knows those two bikes might be sooo wrong for me. *shrugs*

first thing first... a car! then motorcycle license then owning a bike then just maybe i will start to look for any groups who might welcome me.
keep them coming.. dont worry about personal things :) i like to be asked and i like questionst that make me think... like maloflyish one... so please keep on and ask :)
this is spicehd... how in world did i get in cooliefroggie's acct?! one min i was spicehd now i got in cooliefroggie... whoooa tahts so weird?! let me log out and log in.. i apologize cooliefroggie :(