Would you rather....?!?

Build a Bears

Would you prefer Jet Ski or Snowmobile?
build a bear ,,,, porcelain dolls really freaks me out.

would you rather eating mint cc ice cream or pistacho nuts ice cream?
Mint CC Ice Cream. I hate pistachios

Would you rather be eaten by a grizzly or be eaten by a tiger?
Good god, which is the lesser of two evils?? :shock: I'll go with the Tiger.

Which do you prefer: young, hip swinging Elvis or old greasy, jumpsuit wearing Elvis?
Young Elvis. The other Elvis sounds like the opposite of what anyone would want. :P

What would you rather? Write a history essay on a pre-Cold War event or write a research paper on the graphic design industry?
:spam: I've never understand why people are so icked about it. it's GOOD!

would you rather be pissed on or shitted on? :o
:spam: I've never understand why people are so icked about it. it's GOOD!

would you rather be pissed on or shitted on? :o
Neither (LOL)

Would you rather to have your head whacked by a girl or a boy?
Neither (LOL)

Would you rather to have your head whacked by a girl or a boy?

I would rather have my head whacked by a boy. It is less personal..lol.

Would your rather get a job that requires mental work or a job that requires physical work?
Physical work and stay in shape.

Would you rather go to a religious service or on a picnic?
Physical work and stay in shape.

Would you rather go to a religious service or on a picnic?

I would rather go to a picnic. Religion is not a part of my life.

Would you rather go to the beach or to the mountains?
Mountains I like cold.

Would you rather live in Seattle, or Miami?
Mountains I like cold.

Would you rather live in Seattle, or Miami?

Since I have never been to Miami, and I fell in love with Seattle so I would have to say Seattle.

Would you rather socialize thru a social network or at an event?
Neither. Never tried them to start, and also because I don't like beer period. It's gross. :)

What would you rather be... stage crew or stage performer.
Stage performer. I've been on stage when I was a kid plenty of times :D

Would you rather go to the pool or to the beach with friends?
To the beach!

Would you rather see everything in color with no black and white, or everything only in black and white?
Obviously I'd collect cookie jars :D

Would you rather have a real or a "washable" tatoo?