i dont really hate hearings, just would hate date a hearing girl/woman, far too much trouble, hell even Deaf woman are abit paranoid lots where i come from...so im in a rock and a hard place...but in truth im angry with how hearing people get everything so easy...jobs, lifestyle choices, etc etc freinds they can pick, we dont have the same luxury...i want to be a wine taster/review(won 5 wines in last 2 weeks which is a fluke), want to try upholstery as a trade but doing a Masters at University (cant do Both) m want to restore pinball machines, and 2 old cars, an american Hemi, and an european liek porsche...(been my childhood passion)...and yet time is against me and i have NO work history to really speak off, whats the hells wrong with me??!!
oh and i want to work as an undertaker, and /or as an artist (no not a taxidermist LOL)...
but wow i have too many roads but no go, im feeling bit rotten at same time it makes it hard to believe dating a hearing would help at all...