Worried I'm falling out of love?

Thats why I was enquiring how OP got to work etc... Alas she drives so prob more stressed like you stipulated :)

I'm a boy :wave:

Maybe some angry rock music to belt out at the top of your lungs?

Nah, I turn to the classical station when I'm stressed, turn the radio off all together. On two wheels I just rev a bit harder :D
I'm a boy :wave:

Nah, I turn to the classical station when I'm stressed, turn the radio off all together. On two wheels I just rev a bit harder :D

oooops, my apologies!! Mr Metalangel

hahahaha :lol: I guess I love my Marilyn Manson when I'm pissed!

Cute how you're a METALangel but listen to Beethoven :hmm:
Wow, ya know, I've been friends with my girlfriend for 7 months. We're dating for 14 months up to now.

I wouldn't imagine living with person for 6 years and not marry. Yeah, there is something wrong with picture. My girlfriend wants a ring.

That is unusual to live together that long and not be married today! I know a people that been together for years and are not married. I think getting married was a bad idea , I was with my b/f 6 years and once we got married we started
to go down hill!
Dude, I've been alive longer than you, and one big lesson I've learned is that people's personalities do not change. As we all get older, our true colors come to light. The compassionate person will continue to show compassion, and the selfish person will become really selfish.

Not to sound like a downer, but if someone is lazy or unappreciative in one place, they are going to be the same way in another place. Trust me on this one.


Well, you were right. We moved over here, nothing changed, and we ended up agreeing to call it a day. She's gone back to the UK now. I can't believe it happened, but on the other hand I'm not sure where things were going to go if we'd kept going. :cry:

Well, you were right. We moved over here, nothing changed, and we ended up agreeing to call it a day. She's gone back to the UK now. I can't believe it happened, but on the other hand I'm not sure where things were going to go if we'd kept going. :cry:

I broke with my girlfriend back in January. I am sure it would be different if I was still with her. Maybe different for a worse reason. Maybe a better reason. Either way, I am looking forward to future. IF you need anyone to talk to about break ups, feel free to PM me.
My advice, she is not responsible for your happiness. Only you are. U two may bask in each others happiness.
We all have "lousy" jobs, situations, pay, hours, commute. My point is we all have something we hate abt our jobs. But its $ to pay bills. Also is she ur love of ur life or a roommate? How she affects u will tell u.
It is quite possible that is what you are doing.
You're unhappy at work but can't really do anything about any frustrations so when you come home you snap at the smallest thing.

Depending on how long it takes you to get home from work - you should use this time to unwind and calm down and give yourself time to leave work at work.
Like myself, I catch the train and it takes me all up an hour to get home from work (the comute to the train station plus the train ride itsself). I listen to my ipod (usually nice relaxing, calming music) and I might read. By the time I get home I feel super!

I hope you can work something out :) All the best of luck!

If you drive home during rush hour there is really no way you can relax . And it really depend on what kind of work you do too some jobs are a lot more stressful than others .
That is not unusual to live together that long and not be married today! I know a people that been together for years and are not married. I think getting married was a bad idea , I was with my b/f 6 years and once we got married we started
to go down hill!
