Woman dies after life spent in iron lung

Wow, That is really sad.

For one to live in a 7 foot long metal tube, 750-pound iron lung for more than half of her life is just as staggering as it is. I can't imagine myself living like this but however, she didn't let it ruin her spirit which is good.

As sad as it is, She is in a better place now.
Wow...that's sad but at least she didnt live her life bitter.
It is terribly sad that Dianne died in suffer. Struggling to breathe on her own while her family members were struggling to recharge the generator machine backup. It is so sad. I can't imagine living inside of the big tube with my head sticking out. She was a strong woman thou. RIP Dianne
She've been only breathing by a machine for 60 years? Interesting...I honestly cant imagine what it would be like if I live thru something like that too but of course, I bet it be frustrating...and I bet it has for her sometimes.

Thats just...depressing.

Well at least she is in a better place now..where she can finally breathe freely then.