Woke up with Hearing Loss...


New Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Well, a week ago I woke up and couldnt hear out of my right ear. Two weeks before that I had been having on and off bouts of Tinntius. Very strange. :( I went to the doctor on wednesday, and despite having no symptoms of a sinus infection, was given nasel spray for it. A week later...nothing. I havent been flying, to rock concerts, or anywhere with loud noise. Its a mystery to me. Went to a different doctor, my primary, and failed a tuning fork test...He told me I had profound loss in my right side. Im being sent to an audiologist for more tests...

Im 19, female, College Student, and of all things...a photographer and a Speech Tutor (suppliment therapy). Anyone ever have this happen to them?
Well, a week ago I woke up and couldnt hear out of my right ear. Two weeks before that I had been having on and off bouts of Tinntius. Very strange. :( I went to the doctor on wednesday, and despite having no symptoms of a sinus infection, was given nasel spray for it. A week later...nothing. I havent been flying, to rock concerts, or anywhere with loud noise. Its a mystery to me. Went to a different doctor, my primary, and failed a tuning fork test...He told me I had profound loss in my right side. Im being sent to an audiologist for more tests...

Im 19, female, College Student, and of all things...a photographer and a Speech Tutor (suppliment therapy). Anyone ever have this happen to them?
Sorry to hear that. Hope the tests will show what happened.
It must be scary..
Hope you get some good responses on this site...
I hope you can go to ENT and find out what you have. I am sure it is scary waking up with hearing loss. :( i was born deaf but i still can hear some even with my hearing aid.. but 3 yrs ago it started and now my hearing had declined since then.. Its getting worse as I cant hear none in my left ear and my hearing in my right is going too. its progessive loss... i know i will be full deaf one day.. Anyway I had all kind of tests. Now I know that I have Meniere's Disease due to dizziness and tinnutis on daily basis.. which it sucks big time. :(

I hope you will go to ENT for tests and see why you are losing your hearing. Maybe you will learn why? Dont be scared.. :)

meanwhile I hope you will enjoy AD.. and happy posting away! :)
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Enjoy browsing and posting!
You know the sad thing about hearing loss is most states do not offer aid for us and if we lose the hearing we lose are house

Welcome to AD :wave: but I am sorry for the reason that you found us. My hearing is failing due to a hereditary disorder. The cause for hearing loss varies widely and the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor is the best place to start to find answers. That is where I started but it was not until we had seen several neurologists that the root cause was finally identified.

All Deaf has a lot of great folks and can help you with your questions. My best goes out to you.

Thank you for all the kind comments. I have always said if I was to lose a sense it would be hearing. I learned ASL as a young child...I just never quite expected to wake up deaf in one ear. And since it happened once, Im just really afraid (since they dont know what caused it...) that it will happen again. Just a game of wait and see...

Your forums look nice, I enjoy browsing them.
When I read your introduction I thought you were writing about me!! I thought I was loosing my mind, my doctor basically told me it was all in my head!

My doctor also asked if I had been swimming, rock concert.... Nothing. This was when my ears were ringing and I didnt know what it was. Then a month or so later I lost my hearing completely for 3 hours then it came back. then about 2 weeks ago I lost the hearing in my right ear and it still hasnt come back. I need to go to an ENT but need a referal. One day I will get to it
Same for my friend Nancy-- Nancy is not deaf. She was working with him about two years ago until he just been graduated.
By the way,
She were typing but not CART captioning, she was on her own laptor through into the projector for him. It is expensive for her. :Ohno:
I feel sorry for him wake-up and he become deaf from two right now & beyond.
I don't think my friend Nancy would keep in the touch that she worked with
him from student at High School, now he is already graudated recently or last year.

Anyways, Welcome to stay Alldeaf.com and I hope you enjoy, and you have a good
time chatting with deaf/hard-of-hearing people at alldeaf.com! :)
:welcome: To All Deaf MsAlisha!!!!
Sorry about you waking up with hearing loss:(
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy your stay here:thumb:
Something like this with my sister

My younger sister had a 70% hearing loss in one ear a few years ago. She had probably been losing some hearing gradually and didn't realize it until it was bad. Her experience was similar to yours in that they prescribed meds (nasal spray, antibiotics, decongestants, etc.) without any results. After seeing a ENT doc, they told her she had to have surgery.
Please bear with me on this as I am sure it is not scientifically correct. Anyway there are some small flexible bones, I know she said one looks like a stirrup in your ear and they believed that she had a condition where one of them becomes rigid. This is hereditary, my father has worn hearing aids for years and is very hard of hearing. When they did the surgery they found that it was the two other bones which are rarely affected. The surgeon used a cadaver bone to shape a new piece and replace them. Not perfect he said but he had not expected what he found. The surgery restored most of her hearing.

I hope that you can find out what is wrong, my sister said the worst part wasn't even having the hearing loss but not knowing why.
Sorry to ear the news MsAlisha. I hope the audiologist'll find the source to your hearing loss.
Gertiebird, it's interesting how you mention about the Ossicular Chain in the middle ear. Yes, I believe that if one ore more of the functioning bones (3 total) in the middle ear space is malfunctioning, sound will not travel to your inner ear. ie: Disturbance usually turns into sound that travels in space to your ear canal, to your eardrum, it conducts a chain reaction in the Middle Ear to the inner ear, and sends wave and electrosignal to the brain. so, if one is missing, like a chain reaction, then it can throw the whole thing off.
My college teacher's wife who was deaf, woke up completely blind. I don't think she know what caused it.
It is a good thing that you already know ASL. It is good to have a back up language. I learn to speak so that is my back up language, just in case. My own family doesn't know sign language and I think they should learn ASL in case they came deaf.
Keep on taking pictures. :)
Woke Up From Surgery --> Now Deaf!

I had been hard of hearing (with my hearing aids) all my life and used to speak on the telephone, played in the high school marching band, and had hearing friends. Fortunately I learned to speak and sign at the same time (SEE) until my senior year I learned ASL. I came to Gallaudet and started having tinnitus in my 3rd year, then the ringing became frequent and louder like putting your ear against a semi-trailer truck horn! Nothing audiologists or ENT could do!

One day I was taken to the emergency room from severe abdominal pain and found out I was 2 mos pregnant. Doctor took me to emergency surgery (ectopic pregnancy).

After I woke up from the surgery - I had thought that my brand new hearing aids were broken and the nurses possibly screwed it up. So I went to the audiologist to get it fixed, it was FINE. [GULP] That's when I had another round of hearing tests in 5 minutes and was told that my hearing is a goner.
The tinnitus stopped completely but it comes back every now and then twice a year.

My only option left is live with it and have a funeral service for the hearing aids or seek options for cochlear implants... I have GREAT speech skills - can't lose that.
Is it possible you might have a tumor in your hearing? Or a blood clot in your hearing nerves? You should go to an ENT Specialist and maybe he can get you an MRI they can see what might went wrong.If you have a blood clot in your nerves that means your hearing might be going. If you have a tumor if its removed you might gain your hearing back some but not all of it.