Windex Diva Hearing Aid?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Does anyone have it here and do you like it? Tell us about your experience. The reason I am asking is because I saw this with Cythina in Extreme Makeover last night with a friend of mine.
I have it! I've had it for almost 6 years to it's very durable!!!!!!
From what I remember, Windex Diva is for people who have severe hearing loss. It doesn't work for those who have profound hearing loss.
FelixKat930 said:
What durable means.. sorry if its a dumb question!

Not a dumb question - it means long lasting and not easily damaged.
^^ Yup yup!^^. I wore it in the shower once, realized i had it in, threw it out, it landed and bounced off the floor. It's fine. I've dropped it and stepped on's still in one peice. It's survived snow and extreme heat, getting paint flakes in it it...everything.