WIND Talks, WE Listen or We Get Blown Away


New Member
Dec 2, 2007
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WIND Says,

“You cannot tell me how to act because you did not make me.

I will come from all four directions at the same time and go where I choose to go and do what I want to do.

Since you cannot see how, when, and why I make these choices, your choice to listen will increase your chance that I will have mercy on you.

I do not feel sorry for you when you choose not to listen to what I am saying before you will receive no mercy from me as a guaranteed result.

Since I already know that there are some that are making others try to tell me what to do because they don't listen to what I say, you are my targets that I will destroy since this is what you are asking for because of what you want.

You will not be able to think, say, or do anything about results from your choice to become a target since you cannot tell me how to act.

Woe to all that are choosing to become my targets before they will be destroyed because of their choice to not listen to what I say.

I will shut your mouth so you cannot say empty words any more that have never included anything that I have said.

Since you like to include LIGHTNING with what you do while not listening to what I say, you shouldn't be surprised about my ability to use LIGHTNING
too before this backfire will burn your want as my target since this is what you are asking for.

I have taken your targets away from you while you are still choosing to become my target since they don't want to receive what you are asking for.

They will fear what I can do and watch what I can do with your target before they see smoke rising from where your target used to be.

This will tell those that fear what I can do that your want to become my target has also become no more.

Those that fear what I can do are those that listen to what I say when I talk.

They do not need to listen to those that don't listen to what I say when I talk because they know how they and you cannot tell me how to act and don't
want to be burned as a result from your choice.

They also know how they will be ridiculed by you when you think they are not accepting what you say after you reject what I say while your rejection
causes you to become my target.

They and I don't care if your choice wants to include rejection concerning what I say because vengeance belongs to me while you cannot tell me how to

Their rejection concerning what you say is simply because you choose not to listen to what I say FIRST before you cause them to compete against me
or do something that even you can't do based on no one having the ability to tell me how to act.

One will either choose to be stronger by listening to what I have to say FIRST or my vengeance will destroy targets that are asking for this.

It doesn't matter to me if you choose to continue rejecting what I say FIRST while I tell LIGHTNING to increase all around you with no escape.

I do not make excuses and will blame you for your excuses that you make after you have chosen to never listen to what I say FIRST.

After trying to make another become nothing while you think you are something based on not listening to what I say FIRST, everyone is something
when they choose to listen to me FIRST.

Since I am an invisible and automatic operating principle that has always rang true since the beginning of time, I will cause you to become nothing since
this is what you are choosing to produce for yourself while you think you are something without considering what I have to say FIRST.

Since nothing but disaster can be expected based on not listening to what I say FIRST, this invitation that you are asking for will bring harm your way
while I will not harm those that choose to listen to what I say.

Those that listen to what I say do not like your LIGHTNING RODS or microphone scopes for ears and have FAITH in what I can do about my opinion
concerning the same thing without needing physical evidence to show anyone that I exist before I will do something about it.

Those that you have expected to listen to you cannot scream loud enough to get your attention while I have told them to let me do the screaming.

I have also told those that listen to what I say to not feel sorry for your choice to become my target since this is your plan that they don't want and have never needed before I will do the screaming with guarantee.

They are already looking the other way while you have chosen to never change your direction so it can work with me.

Even they know how to work with me while I will cause a purposed stumbling block to be put in your way since my decision to do this is no different
from what you are doing.

And, because you like to add LIGHTNING to those that you expect to listen to you while I did not make them to have ability to process this, I think I will
add LIGHTNING to you from anywhere and at any time when you least expect it while this should come as no surprise for you since this is what
you are asking for with your plan.

After you become nothing based on your plan resulting from doing nothing but sowing seeds in me that blow away, those that choose to listen to what I
say will be grounded with perfect harmony and have no discrimination coming from your purposed stumbling block that you have designed for them
that hasn't done anything but keep them where you want them to be.

You keep forgetting that I can put you where I want you to be too while this will be beyond your wildest imagination compared to your unchanging wants.

I have already warned you once while this will be your last and final warning before you will get what you asked for based on your choice to not listen to
what I say.”