Wife need hearing aids


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
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Hello, I dont know where to start. I guess by telling you that my wife is 80% deaf in her left ear and she suspects it is totally gone now in her right but she needs the hearing test to confirm that. The next most important thing is, thanks to the recession we have hit rock bottom, almost totally broke and both disabled and on social security. She use to have hearing aids but they have long gone bit the dust! So to say the least we cant afford new ones or even used ones.

So my question to everyone here is; is there a such thing as free hearing aids? She can have her ears checked for free at one of those hearing aid places but there is no way we can afford the aids. What can we do if anything? We are flat broke, no credit, not even a bank account, and our combined income (both SSDI) puts us just a few dollars over the minimum for state aid (welfare) and medicare wont cover it nor will blue cross.

Any advice is appreciated, oh and if anyone has info or advice for legit work from home on computer jobs we sure could use the income, we are both disabled.
aren't Voc Reh able to help out of getting hearing aid if their incomes aren't over the limited earning?
Try your church or temple , some state insurances cover HA . I lived in
Massachusetts , I get Medicare and Mass Health and I get my HA for free.
I get new ones evey 5 years. I am worried about the new health bill , that could put an end this this! Council on aging may be able to help you find
agencies that will help with the cost of a HA! The Council on aging office may not goes by this name in your state . But I sure would look into it!
aren't Voc Reh able to help out of getting hearing aid if their incomes aren't over the limited earning?

the Voc Reh in my state only help with the cost of HA if you are going to school or working! only got Voc Reh to pasy for my HA by saying I was
going to college , I had to sign an agreement !
In addition if her unaidable ear is truely unaidable, you coul look into CI....CI is often covered even when aids aren't.
VR only require a case opening. Medicare or Medicaid can paid for a HA. Some audiologists do give low-income people a much cheaper rate.
In addition if her unaidable ear is truely unaidable, you coul look into CI....CI is often covered even when aids aren't.

As British, I don't know how American insurance works but after hearing few things I am under impression once you get CI you still have to pay for Batteries, repairs??? I would check this before going through CI assessments.
As British, I don't know how American insurance works but after hearing few things I am under impression once you get CI you still have to pay for Batteries, repairs??? I would check this before going through CI assessments.

Plus they said they are just above the income line for Medicare or Medicaid, so no way to get CI anyway.
You may also want to visit a hearing aid dealer who can provide a used HA for free or a nominal charge. This is what my parents did when I received my first pair of HAs at age 15. They were top of the line Oticons which worked great for me for many years. NOTE: HAs (used) should not exceed $500 (unilateral HA) or no more than $1,000 (bilateral HAs). If I am wrong about this, I hope someone will correct me. When I received my HAs, it was back in 1985 so I'm most likely not accounting for price increases since then.
VR in Texas will pay for ha's if you want to or are currently working, advise you to call your state agency. If they say "no", ask if they can tell you who else to call. Many audios will keep good used aids for those who have no money. BC/BS insurance of Texas willl pay at least 400 for each ear, then you may pay out some by making payment arrangements with audiologist. Thats what I had to do in the past. We have some low cost or no cost clinics here which can help. Your area may also have these, keep calling, keep asking. If they say no, ask who can? Starkey foundation is a good idea too. Think of learning sign language? Many areas offer free or very low cost classes. (just ideas) Good luck, and keep us posted.
I bought my last few (brand new)hearing aids from a supplier that sells them at wholesale prices.I paid less than $250.00(199 for one and another was 225) each for them.If you are interested,send me a PM and I will give you the sellers info.

He sells brand new Siemens hearing aids(Digital) with full warranty at prices I cant find any cheaper.

The audiologists that sells them,have to make a profit,and since hearing aids are not sold on high volume basis,they are usually very expensive as you found out.No need to pay them high prices if you are living on a fixed income.