who have a trouble with ...



Rim 950 pager?

Like you can send a msg but you cant receive any msg?
It just a pager (itself)? or was it from their service if they cannot get any message but send any message is OK?
Originally posted by eternity
It just a pager (itself)? or was it from their service if they cannot get any message but send any message is OK?

That could happen, call them.
Do they have a plm now?

Poor thing my pager.. cannot receive any message since 2 nites ago. When my friends and my mom paged me and i get NOTHING except they get my message. They thought I ignored their reply and not reply back. I called other company.. which it has 24/7 tech support and they didnt have a live rep (blackberry) where RIM 950 made from..

So perhap I would have to wait til tmw morning at 7am.
Justin... ahh. mine is under wyndtell. But deafwireless merged with wyndtell..

Wilgecko. what do you mean .. it doesnet make a sense ? When I called a tech support.. I waited for LIVE REP.. like wait for someone to answer the phone and talk to a customer to talk about the issue that they have a problem with their pager and things like that.
Originally posted by eternity
Justin... ahh. mine is under wyndtell. But deafwireless merged with wyndtell..

Wilgecko. what do you mean .. it doesnet make a sense ? When I called a tech support.. I waited for LIVE REP.. like wait for someone to answer the phone and talk to a customer to talk about the issue that they have a problem with their pager and things like that.

But both still use different networks.

Deafwireless uses Motient wireless network while Wyndtell works with Cingular's wireless network.
Well Im profound deaf.. So perhap i use the pager :)

My pager isnt a year YET. It ll be 1 year in JULY which is next month
My pager didn't worked last night until this morning I check it work now whew!
same kind of pager (950)? why ur pager isnt working last night? i mean what kind of not working?
my pager's Deafwireless... I couldn't even send or receive any message since it was my first time... i freaked out and ask my friend and I almost call the Wyndtell but my friend warned me the Wyndtell is updating or something... I just though that Wyndtell should have warn all members that the system will be down for couple hours or days.... so many member wouldn't freaked out like me... lol
ahh but your pager is working now. and mine isnt..

I just though that Wyndtell should have warn all members that the system will be down for couple hours or days.... so many member wouldn't freaked out like me...

Yes I d agree with you.. Unfortunately wyndtell is not opening now.. only Mon thru fri from 7am to 5pm i think.. so perhap i call em tmw morning :(

it sucks when it happens.. i never had a problem for almost a year until last fri night.
Ahh.. I tried to call Wyndtell.. but the line has been busy?

Also I checked my pager.. i received two incoming message from FRIDAY to NOW? i just checked it.. which it was about 5-10 mins ago.. I wonder why's that?
My little sister own this pager, I tried to send text message from my cell phone to her pager. It work, BUT when she tried to replied back to me, it don't work.

Therefore, pager suck.
Get cell phone or sidekick.
So you are saying the message sent --is working

but to SEND the message isnt WORKING. But have you receive the message from her pager?

How about send the message to HER email .. to see if it appears in her pager?
Originally posted by eternity
So you are saying the message sent --is working

but to SEND the message isnt WORKING. But have you receive the message from her pager?

How about send the message to HER email .. to see if it appears in her pager?

I don't have email for my cell phone because I didn't choice to have one, only text message.

I never recieved any message from my little sister. :( She is think about get sidekick or cellphone.