Who has had experience donateing hearing aids?


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Im just wondering what agencys people have had good experiences with with giving away their old HA's
I just gave my old ITEs to my audi who will send them to HearNow. She did inform me that if I gave them to the Lions Club, they would be ?used locally? and the Lions Club would get the "credit". I had planned to give them to the Lions Club in the first place, but had been putting off arranging to have someone come pick them up (that's how our local club works). Since I was going to the audi anyway, I just took them with me and gave them to her.
The Lions Club also gives them to HearNow.
if there's a deaf school close by, check with them and see if they'll accept used hearing aids. They could use them for students/families who cannot afford hearing aids. Just another idea. :)
We have a not for profit rehab center locally. I gave my old ones to their audi department. They clean and repair them if needed and then give them to local people with no insurance or low income.
Send them to El Salvador

I love the idea of donating old HA's to local folks who don't have insurance. I also wanted to offer that I live in El Salvador and am becoming very involved with the Christian School for the Deaf, which is a non-profit school for kids from all socio-economic backgrounds. There is a tremendous need here for HA's and other materials (for example, I will be ordering some ASL books from the U.S. for them). If anyone's interested, please send me a private message and I can give you a U.S. address to send and personally assure they will be given to someone in great need.
I don't have much to add except that I use to live right next door to a VFW and I'd go in there sometimes to play pool. They had a box in there for donating used hearing aids and I was surprised at how many where in the box there. I didn't go through them or anything but just at the glance I'd say there was a good 20 to 25 of them in the box. I don't know if this is common at VFW's but it might be a place to ask more about it.

Ron Jaxon