White privilege

Isn't like 90% of the dark-skinned people from the Caribbean (including Jamaica) are African descendants? Maybe you are thinking of the South Pacific Islanders like the Solomons, Papua New Guinea... Australia...

Those too. But African descendents that were immigrants to other countries, and have been in those countries for generations, even upon arrival in America, do not consider themselves to be African Americans. And since their history is not the same as one who arrived in American straight from Africa, their perspectives will differ.
Traditional Indians are different from us Non-traditional Indians. We like to be called (modern Indians which we rely on white medicine like going to the hospital and clinics). Here in our First Nations, we do not have a Medicine Man or Shaman unless you go to another Reserve (Reservation) to obtain a Medicine Man or Woman. Yes, traditionally we always offered the tobaccos to get help with getting well instead of going to the doctors. Traditional Indians can do help others for free if not medicines. For example, I remembered one traditional man who is an artist, who use arts to help people for free and he does not want his arts to make money because he want to make people happy so that they will feel better with themselves by looking at his arts. He refused every time someone offered him money for his arts or to make his arts famous.

:ty: It's quite differnt from what whites do.

A political cartoon from 1899 called the "White Man's Burden."

There are four figures composing of of Uncle Sam riding on a black person, a Spaniard conquistador (Hernan Cortez) riding on a mulatto or zambo (I am using era-appropriate term here, if not-- sue my professor in Colonial Latin America), a stereotypical "fat" British riding on an Indian person.. and I can't make out the last one in the far foreground. In order from foreground to background are: Uncle Sam, the British, and the conqustador, then someone else in the far distinct background. All of them are crossing a sparse barren and rocky land that imply the harshness.

Each of the burdened person looked weary. Each of the riders have a sabre on their hips. Uncle Sam is propping up his head with his arm, the British got his arms folded like a sultan.
:gpost: :gpost:

Always look for label when you go into the Native American shops and yes you will find from other countries marketed for traditional objects, books, and drums. We were disgusted at the way white people or other countries tried to copy to make fake objects that are not part of us that making the true traditional jewelry and other objects that we can orginally make them. It happened in many nations in Indian Country. Same here in Canada, too. :roll:

I want to thank you for your input in this discussion, Bebonang. I am certain that you have encountered white privilege any number of times during your life. And your perspective, as a native descendent, will be different and add insight to the topic.
People like us living in the modern age. Like Sherri Shephard who wasn't sure if Earth was flat during a show on The View, which was really comical. She said it could be flat but never thought about it when asked that question by one of the The View girls on the show.

Remember, "civilized people" living in the modern age do not equate with complete knowledge of everything.

This has virtually nothing to do with the topic of white privilege. Stick to the topic, please.

A political cartoon from 1899 called the "White Man's Burden."

There are four figures composing of of Uncle Sam riding on a black person, a Spaniard conquistador (Hernan Cortez) riding on a mulatto or zambo (I am using era-appropriate term here, if not-- sue my professor in Colonial Latin America), a stereotypical "fat" British riding on an Indian person.. and I can't make out the last one in the far foreground. In order from foreground to background are: Uncle Sam, the British, and the conqustador, then someone else in the far distinct background. All of them are crossing a sparse barren and rocky land that imply the harshness.

Each of the burdened person looked weary. Each of the riders have a sabre on their hips. Uncle Sam is propping up his head with his arm, the British got his arms folded like a sultan.

Excellent cartoon, souggy. And a powerful statement.
:ty: It's quite differnt from what whites do.

Not all Indians are traditional so that would mean that they don't always practice what their ancestors did, right? But they likely still use some customary practices handed over generations. am I right on this?
I'll let Bebonang or dogmon answer this one.

no problem. I was just speculating based on historical events - the pre-currency age. and even now with the tribes from various countries. Paper money is still useless to them.
no problem. I was just speculating based on historical events - the pre-currency age. and even now with the tribes from various countries. Paper money is still useless to them.

I thought that's were you are getting at. Well in this country and Canada, they still use tabbacco even though money isn't useless to them.
I thought that's were you are getting at. Well in this country and Canada, they still use tabbacco even though money isn't useless to them.

yea they adapted. Eskimos did too. they have to if they need to get some supply from modern civilization. But I'm curious to know what Bebonang or dogmon has to say on this.
Prejudice and discrimination are definately a world wide phenomen. However, white privilege is decidedly a Western concept. They are not one and the same.

The manifestation of "white privilege" has its roots going back to Europe. It's a product of hundreds of years of "civilized" thinking steeped in a variety of prejudicial and discriminatory thinkings. "White privilege" didn't just arrived here all of sudden, did it?
The manifestation of "white privilege" has its roots going back to Europe. It's a product of hundreds of years of "civilized" thinking steeped in a variety of prejudicial and discriminatory thinkings. "White privilege" didn't just arrived here all of sudden, did it?

Take a history course.

The concept of ethnicity did not rise until the 1800s. People only started assocating things with colour of skin in the 1500s in Brazil in the Portuguese Empire.

Try again. Before the Portugal exports of black slaves to the Americas, slavery was based on religion convictions, and debts. "White superiority" is purely an Anglo concept that was embraced by British and Americans alike.
Spend some time accessing what is out there. It would do you a world of good.

Let's not be hypocrites, shall we if you are unwilling to provide any immediate and concrete sources? Speak for yourself.
Not all Indians are traditional so that would mean that they don't always practice what their ancestors did, right? But they likely still use some customary practices handed over generations. am I right on this?

Yeah, you can be right about that. Traditional medicines has to be studied by mentors who want to pass down to help people with health problems. Traditional people remained to be in the old ways, not modern ways. Maybe a few new ways but often they wanted to carry into their old ways as being Traditonal Indians while modern Indians like to be in with the peers (white people who are into new technology like me) and just go to hospitals and clinics. I have repeated already about that in my other posts. :naughty:
Yeah, you can be right about that. Traditional medicines has to be studied by mentors who want to pass down to help people with health problems. Traditional people remained to be in the old ways, not modern ways. Maybe a few new ways but often they wanted to carry into their old ways as being Traditonal Indians while modern Indians like to be in with the peers (white people who are into new technology like me) and just go to hospitals and clinics. I have repeated already about that in my other posts. :naughty:

Yes you have in the bolded part. I just wanted to make sure.
Let's not be hypocrites, shall we if you are unwilling to provide any immediate and concrete sources? Speak for yourself.

let's not be childish, si? Either you contribute to this thread or get out :)
Take a history course.

The concept of ethnicity did not rise until the 1800s. People only started assocating things with colour of skin in the 1500s in Brazil in the Portuguese Empire.

Try again. Before the Portugal exports of black slaves to the Americas, slavery was based on religion convictions, and debts. "White superiority" is purely an Anglo concept that was embraced by British and Americans alike.

You'll even find Biblical accounts of slavery. Exodus and the Gospels would be a good place to start.
Right. I am reminded of a famous Serbian general in the Ottomon Empire who broke free of his shackles because he converted to Islam.

Forgot his name.

So the "white's privileges" we see nowadays is only rooted in the Anglicized parts of the world (North America, South Africa, India et cetera.)
I want to thank you for your input in this discussion, Bebonang. I am certain that you have encountered white privilege any number of times during your life. And your perspective, as a native descendent, will be different and add insight to the topic.


Yes, that is true that we have encountered white privilege expecting us to be like them and banned all our tradition cultures. That is why we are puzzled why the white people are behaving like that to us, just because we were savages to them. It does not serve them right at all. We have been here for very long time (thousands and thousands of years before the first white people came along). We are still discriminated left and right. I know there are other countries who have been discriminate by them too. Often it is the women who are being discriminated by men. So I understand that. :cool2:
Like I said while back in other threads, countries that severely discriminate against gays, people of different faith and women through jailings, corporal punishment, stonings, other means of oppression, and executions live in a backward world. I'm sure that does not equate as "make it right."

Then what is the point you are attempting to make by bringing it into the discussion? Are you justifying prejudice and discrimination because it exists everywhere? But, again, prejudice and discrimination are different concepts from white privilege.