
Anything high pitched hurts my ear (60% loss in both, but nerve damage too bad in one to wear ha). I love music but have to be careful on what I choose to turn up the volume to. Never did care for Mariah Carey, but I really hate listening to her now. I also have a hard time with laughter..that high pitched type that some people have. I usually hit the remote for my ha and turn it all off, or the mute button for the tv. The great thing about the remote is that nobody notices..they just think I am looking at my cell phone or something. Comes in handy since I have really short hair. :)
Do you get yelled at for turning them off? My ex used to yell me at all the time but I couldn't deal w/ his name calling and emotional abuse, so my HAs saved me from that. My mom yells at me when I turn them off while we drive and Ellie is crying. She says that it is not fair that she has to hear Ellie cry but not me. My son stopped having tantrums because I tell him that I am turning them off. hehehe.

Good solution to the tantrums! I like that one.
any high pitched sounds HURT. Whistling, squealing, squeaking, ugh! My mom and stepdad both like to whistle, so it drives me crazy.
It is so nice to find out that others have pain when they hear whistling. Also that others turn off their hearing aids when it hurts to leave them on.

I've lost hearing gradually, and became annoyed that everyone mumbled...then had my hearing checked. Amplified hearing really helps, but sometimes I just need to turn it off.