While I was gone....


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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I went to William Sonoma, to apply for a job....
They were having a job fair from 7 am to noon....

And I stood in line with my sister for an hour, and got pissed off...:pissed:
and thinking to myself, "It is only a seasonal job, I can't believe
that I am standing in line, all of these people don't have a job...
OMG..." so I told my sister I'm going back to the car....
And I waited for her an hour...
and I got out of the car and see if she got in the building yet,
but she was still in line....

SIGH, so I just went back in line with her, and waited another hour.

And we finally got in and we did this job interview.... and Urine test.

And guess what? William Sonoma did not call me or my sister yet.
It has been 4 weeks and I didn't hear from them.

I know my sister is more qualify than I am... because
she got more work experience than I do.

And anyway....
I was an exhibitor at a DeafNation Expo... it was my first time....
I did it at Chicago during the weekend.... Friday, I had to set up
my booth, I was way in the back, then on Saturday, I had to sell, and I only sold one item...


So I decided to give all of my DVDs, but end up giving away some, because
a lot of people didn't come by my booth, because I was wayyyyyy
in the back....


Now I got only 600 DVDs left.... sigh and I don't know what to do
with all of those DVDs....

Maybe pay $300 for a booth again and see if I can give them away or not....

I don't know what to do.
Are you speaking of Williams-Sonoma? I can imagine it is difficult to find a job - especially with the economy being weak.

I don't know about your education background. There should be plenty of jobs in Chicagoland, but you need to look harder. Don't give up!

As for selling DVDs - try e-Bay or something else such as flea markets in your area.
I tried the flea market at my area.... I was trying to sell my old clothes....

Nobody wants them.... so I had to put my old clothes in the Goodwill.

ebay is a good idea.
I did, I called and called and called, and left messages on machines and they didn't return my call.

But I did called the Yellow Page Phone book for a job....
and they said July I can begin working for them for one month....

I can't go in July, because I already got my plane ticket to
go to California for Family Reunion.
I am might interesting some DVDs from ur's, got any list?
Best thing is call over and over to the same company. They would fed up and have an interview with you. It happened to DHB cuz he really wanted a JOB so he kept bugging and he got an interview. Then he got the job.

I am sorry it did not worked out for you. Just keep trying.
Try e-bay, I go there once in a while to buy some stuff...
Hi Empress, you can sell things on E-bay. That is what I do once in a while. Send me a p.m. about what you are selling, I might be interested.
Hi, I was at deaf expo last saturday and u were give away dvds?

Yeah, well I wanted to give away the DVDs, because I didn't
want to carry all of those things back to the car....

It was so hard to put luggages full of DVDs in the trunk, it weigh about 100 pounds.

So I gave some away and whew... I got less DVDs to carry.
yeah, i was there too.. i don't seem to remember dvds.. you must've been hiding! poor thing.

Yeah they put me way back in the back.... that was a good thing... though...

Because it was my first time, I was alone, and can't handle many

If I was at the front, I'll be in big trouble, trying to answer everybody
questions.... ahhhh!!!!

I didn't really have to pay for making those DVDs... because
I got SSI :giggle:

It was fun, a great experience... Got to meet wonderful people...
They donated some money... how sweet...
Wow... I didn't know there are so many sweet people.
I wonder how sweet you people were at the
St. Louis AllDeaf Caucus....
