What's your favorite fantasy race?


Jun 26, 2014
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As the title says, anyone have a favorite race/s from any books, video games, movies or others?

And why? (appearance, lore, etc)

I'll begin with mine. LONG POST INCOMING!!
Since I'm a hardcore RPG fan, I've been playing a lot of RPG video games since I was around 8 years old. I found many races very interesting to me and it's quite difficult to pick the top favorite race, but I'll pick few more races than one.

1: Sylvari (from Guild Wars 2)
I believe Sylvari is the very first playable character to be created with plant type, and I find it really nice to have something that felt different. Beside their appearance, I find their culture very interesting.

Speaking of their lore, how could I say that? Let's say it is... poignant (just learned this word.) When I was playing my first Sylvari character, some Sylvari NPCs seemed to be lovers to each other and it made me think:

"Since they surely are a deeply passionate and very emotional, but... does they do it like humans?" So I googled it up. I found over 10 or 20 threads with same question and the Sylvari's lore seems to be most popular to be discussed. That's why I ended up enjoying their lore.

Also, creating them is really, really fun. Here is the image of my three sylvari characters (left to right: Durrean, Lisince, and Panula.)

PS: I just forgot what was next favorite race I am supposed to type down!! I'll post it as soon as I remembered. lol
Yeah, werewolves do count, but in Twilight, they actually are called "Shape-shifter," not werewolves. Shape-shifter carries their blood runs in the family history. Werewolves don't; they are only whoever as human got bitten/infected by other werewolf (and werewolves stand and runs like human.)

Anyway, "shape-shifter" does count as a fantasy race.
Now you mentioned "werewolves," it is my childhood favorite race/monster and I'll pick it as #2.

2: Werewolves (from several movies and video games)

There are a lot of battles in between werewolves and vampires over books, movies and games, and I always support werewolves. Just because they look really dangerous and their transformation is really awesome. When I was teen, I watched Van Helsing in 2004 and the main character revealed himself to be a BIGGER werewolf than other werewolves seen in the movie and his transformation made me gulp! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q76afJMHKSg

And few years ago, I started playing Skyrim on PC and I found out my companions are all werewolves and they decided to give me the gift for becoming one of them, so I accepted. Killing, ripping, clawing, biting 'em are fun. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuFojNOVGl0
Yeah, werewolves do count, but in Twilight, they actually are called "Shape-shifter," not werewolves. Shape-shifter carries their blood runs in the family history. Werewolves don't; they are only whoever as human got bitten/infected by other werewolf (and werewolves stand and runs like human.)

Anyway, "shape-shifter" does count as a fantasy race.

Lol okay. Shapeshifter is it then. :ty: